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Showing 279 results for "free legal guide can pastors churches address 2020 election issues"
  • … or ideological signs. Even though he endured years of legal proceedings, Pastor Reed never lost hope, and his … religion. Under the precedent set by the Court, Christians can share the Gospel without fearing government censorship. … 7617 … 7664 … Discriminatory Law Censored Pastor … 19181 … free speech … religious freedom … churches and pastors … Good …
  • … What Is the Blackstone Legal Fellowship? The Blackstone Legal Fellowship is integral … to manufacture “rights” out of thin air so that they can further their agenda. At Alliance Defending Freedom, we … come from God alone, and we believe this truth should guide the law in America. One way we work toward this goal is …
  • … Bronx Church’s 20-Year Legal Battle Led to Freedom for New Yorkers of All Faiths … legal proceedings, Bronx Household of Faith and other NYC churches finally have equal access to rent school facilities … Faith is a church in the Bronx borough of New York City. Pastors Bob Hall and Jack Roberts founded it in 1971 with the …
  • … The Free Speech Issue of Our Generation: Corporate Cancellation’s … —often in tandem with powerful government agencies—“the free speech issue of our age” during his recent appearance on … victims. This is not a problem that one court decision can solve. That’s why, working with a broad coalition of …
  • … California Thinks It Can Raise Your Kids Better Than You Can Along with violating the Constitution and federal law, … jurisdiction if the child’s case involves gender identity issues. VI. Conclusion SB 107 would hide medical information …
  • … God’s Not Dead 2: The Legal Cases That Inspired the Film God’s Not Dead 2 drew … conservative and religious events, and they restricted free speech to very small areas of campus. After lengthy … Dead 2 : The Legal Cases That Inspired the Film … 20514 … free speech … religious freedom … education … colleges & …
  • … California Courts: Churches Can’t Be Forced to Fund Abortion Skyline Wesleyan Church took … religious organizations. This new low clearly violated the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment by targeting … including those of churches, to provide coverage for all legal abortions. February 2016 : Skyline Wesleyan Church …
  • … Appeals Court: Religious Schools Can Hire and Fire Based on Beliefs An Obama-appointed judge recognized that religious institutions must be free from government interference in their personnel … just a narrow right that includes the likes of preachers, pastors, and priests. Rather, it “protects religious …
  • … SCOTUS Weighs in on Whether Maine Can Discriminate Against Religion Carson v. Makin, which the U.S. Supreme Court heard in December, presents similar legal issues to ADF’s case A.H. v. French. Written by Paul … them to make religious judgments. This violates both the Free Exercise and Establishment Clauses of the First …
  • … Censorship Is Incompatible with a Free Society Censorship by both private and public actors may … many young Americans are buying into the false idea that free speech is somehow harmful. According to a 2022 poll from … feel “welcome and safe online” than it was that people can “speak their minds freely online.” Of course, the …