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Showing 233 results for "biden resists end roe era"
  • … Parent-Child Relationship Takes Backseat to Biden Agenda Despite the Biden administration’s claims, the government cannot replace … not belong to the government. But prominent figures in the Biden administration—including the president himself—seem to …
  • … In Texas Lawsuit, Biden Admin Blocked from Forcing ER Doctors to Perform Abortions The Biden administration has misused federal law to mandate that … July 10, 2024 When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, it returned the issue of abortion to the …
  • … The End of the Lemon Test The Supreme Court finally abandoned the … fruit the Supreme Court has now buried. Conclusion The end of the Lemon test will restore right understanding of the … Training Team. View Profile … … 7620 … 7617 … 7664 … The End of the Lemon Test … 18974 … equal access … religious …
  • Biden Admin’s Rewrite of Title IX Began on Day One President Joe Biden began his quest to turn Title IX on its head shortly … Freedom Published July 16, 2024 In April 2024, the Biden administration made headlines for officially adopting a …
  • … What You May Not Know: How ADF Helped Overturn Roe v. Wade Many years of planning and tireless work paid off … watchers expected to hold their breath until the very end of the term. That’s why on a Friday morning, a week … put a stop to protests? Or would the Court wait until the end of the term in June as it typically does? And, in either …
  • … Christian College Still Affirms Biological Reality Despite Biden Administration Threat College of the Ozarks filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration over an order to redefine ‘sex’ to … May 19, 2021 Revised November 13, 2023 When President Joe Biden took office in 2021, he didn’t waste any time before …
  • … How the Biden Administration Is Using Regulations to Erode Religious Freedom The Biden administration has implemented or is seeking to … children, the Biden administration has revived an Obama-era rule that requires faith-based agencies to violate their …
  • … What You Need to Know About the Biggest Abortion Case Since Roe v. Wade Our federal abortion laws are stuck in the past. … years for this day: the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade . This is a major victory for unborn children and … Organization , the Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade . Who is affected by this Mississippi abortion …
  • Biden Administration Oversteps Its Authority in Lawsuit … 2024 Just weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, the Biden administration vowed to … But the Biden administration is attempting an end-run around that decision by misusing decades-old federal …
  • Biden Administration Pays for Illegally Limiting Women’s Health Care The Biden administration tried to harm women by seeking to delete … family-planning methods. In 2021, however, the Biden administration decided it would remove the requirement …