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  • ADF attorneys represent McComb Children’s Clinic in federal lawsuit
  • Idahoans and their elected representatives are choosing to protect life. The Biden administration is telling them they can’t.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Bowman, director of regulatory practice, regarding a public comment ADF attorneys submitted Wednesday to the Office of Management and Budget. The public comment urges the agency to eliminate language in a proposed guidance for grants that would harm faith-based recipients of federal programs and to restore language that specifically protects free speech and religious liberty: “Ejecting faith-based groups from programs such as foster care and adoption will lead to fewer children served. Yet that is exactly ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake regarding a public comment ADF attorneys submitted Monday urging the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to withdraw its proposed rule that hijacks a bipartisan law, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, to impose an abortion mandate on virtually every employer in the country, even those whose religious beliefs dictate that life begins at conception: “The Biden administration’s new rule jeopardizes a supportive work culture for pregnant women by introducing abortion into federal law in a ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake regarding proposed regulations the Biden administration announced Monday for implementing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s proposed rule hijacks the bipartisan law, which does not address abortion, to impose an abortion mandate on virtually every employer in the country, even those whose religious beliefs dictate that life begins at conception: “Congress sought to help pregnant workers, not force employers to facilitate abortions. The Biden ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake regarding a federal court’s order issued Wednesday in Tice-Harouff v. Johnson that requires the Biden administration to pay $65,000 in attorneys’ fees for violating regulatory laws when it illegally deprived women of the option of fertility awareness-based methods of family planning as part of health insurance coverage required under the Affordable Care Act, leaving women only with coverage for contraceptive and abortifacient drugs and devices: “The Biden administration can’t impose its own ...
  • When it comes to gender in sports, most Americans do not want male athletes to compete against women and girls.
  • ADF attorneys file friend-of-the-court brief with 5th Circuit on behalf of three female athletes
  • The unchecked power of the administrative state presents a serious threat to liberty, democracy, and republican government.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Christiana Kiefer regarding a formal comment ADF attorneys submitted Monday urging the Biden administration to withdraw its proposed rule change to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 that would allow males to compete on female sports teams, depriving women and girls of equal athletic opportunities: “The Biden administration’s proposed sports rule is a slap in the face to female athletes who deserve an equal opportunity to compete on the playing field. The proposed rule degrades women and tells them ...