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Showing 15 results for "detailspages press release details adf planned parenthood must report sexual assault of children"
  • … Allie Beth Stuckey Support ADF Now Alliance Defending Freedom is on the front lines … marriage and family, parental rights, and the sanctity of life. We are committed to ensuring people, like you, who … the right to direct the upbringing and education of their children. Alliance Defending Freedom is the world’s largest …
  • … marriage and family, parental rights, and the sanctity of life. We are committed to ensuring people, like you, who … the right to direct the upbringing and education of their children. Alliance Defending Freedom is the world’s largest … across the country, and we’ve played a role in over [adf:scotus_assist_count] victories at the United States …
  • … needed in defending the unborn across the country Support ADF Now “Alliance Defending Freedom is a proven and … to protect life. Clients don’t have to pay a penny for ADF’s legal services. When you and others give, ADF can focus on serving those in need and saving lives, instead of the financial burdens of litigating a case. God has shown …
  • … Defending America’s Founding Principles … What ADF Does …
  • … have a fundamental human right to direct the upbringing of their children. Support ADF Now “Religious liberty may be the most significant civil …
  • … Do you know what your children and grandchildren are being taught in school? One … free online training, Parental Rights in the Face of Critical Theory . This forty-five minute, online event will feature our top-tier ADF attorneys and parental rights experts who will equip you …
  • … U.S. Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization . And now … What the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey . The current state of abortion …
  • … - Neil Boron, Host, National Crawford Roundtable   We must stand together to defend our freedom. By partnering with Alliance Defending Freedom right now – with your gift of $19 a month – you are advancing our God-given right to … in protecting our freedoms, and advancing freedom for our children and generations to come. … Help protect religious …
  • … fearless champion for liberty and has a solid track record of wins from state courts to the United States Supreme Court … for freedom should never have to stand alone.   “Freedom—of speech and religious exercise—includes the freedom not to speak messages against our core beliefs.” – ADF Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer … Defend Free Speech … …