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Showing 86 results for "what happened when other countries tried court packing"
  • … been involved in more than 20 cases before the European Court of Human Rights and has authored complaints and … Rights. In F.G. v. Sweden , Coleman argued that European countries have a duty to protect Christian converts escaping … affairs without interference from the government or other state bodies. Coleman earned his LL.M. and postgraduate …
  • … Freedom is suing the administration. Regardless of what you think of the COVID-19 vaccines—and ADF takes no … paying substantial fine, or terminating their employees. When the governmental unlawfully tries to expand its power by … this government overreach—all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary! … Help challenge the private employer …
  • … the legal team that overturned Roe v. Wade at the Supreme Court. With state and federal lawmakers now empowered to … don’t have to pay a penny for ADF’s legal services. When you and others give, ADF can focus on serving those in … a case. God has shown us time and time again that when we stand together, we can be victorious. Protecting …
  • … in Wisconsin, and her team is actively engaged in many other states and courts protecting the fundamental rights of … argued that all Americans should be free to rely on what the law says and that redefining “sex” to mean “gender … the state bars of Arizona and Washington, the U.S. Supreme Court, and several federal district and appellate courts. … …
  • … Defending Freedom fight these battles and be ready when your rights are threatened. You know we are in a fight … fundamental freedoms. Right now, churches are being told when and how they can meet. Public schools and athletic … beliefs. Alliance Defending Freedom is fighting pivotal court battles for those whose freedoms are threatened —and to …
  • … undergird Christian values for families in today’s world. What began with a radio program on a few stations in 1977 has … facilities in North America – with thousands more in 160 countries worldwide – plus a daily commentary heard by more …
  • … compliance for an international organization active in 191 countries. Ziel helped launch and direct Cru’s legal …
  • … counselor. He earnestly studied the Bible to learn what it says about handling money, and was soon teaching …
  • … been instrumental in securing several strategic appellate court victories. In Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski , the Supreme Court of the United States ruled 8–1 that officials at a … must grant religious student organizations equal access when distributing student activity fee funding. And in DeJohn …
  • … with the Center for Life and in appellate and U.S. Supreme Court matters, including ADF’s successful applications in  … concerning abortion, gender dysphoria, elections, and other matters. Before entering government service, Wilson … New Jersey, and New York, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court and nine federal courts of appeal. … Lincoln Wilson … …