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Showing 2053 results for "religious speech atlantic city boardwalk no longer gamble"
  • … UMass-Amherst nixes unconstitutional speech zone policy ADF lawsuit prompted change to rule that … on less than 1 percent of the campus is unconstitutional, no questions asked,” said YAL President Cliff Maloney Jr. “I … student speech … students … speech zones … speech codes … religious freedom … public school … Massachusetts … free …
  • … ADF files lawsuit challenging speech restrictions at University of Maryland Suit alleges … for the case. The ADF Center for Academic Freedom defends religious freedom at America’s public universities.  ADF is a … for the case. The ADF Center for Academic Freedom defends religious freedom at America’s public universities.  ADF is a …
  • … Supreme Court: Revoke govt's free pass to silence public speech Published August 24, 2023 Related Case: Vitagliano v. … public setting. As we explain in our brief, that means one city can ban a pro-life demonstration just as easily as … non-profit legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, and the …
  • … ADF urges US Supreme Court to uphold freedom of speech on public sidewalks Published November 23, 2022 … on public sidewalks alongside college campuses: “Public city sidewalks that happen to border a university’s campus … non-profit legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, and the …
  • … Iowa State changes policy that said 'protected speech activities' can be punished as 'harassment' Settlement ensures students no longer have to give up free speech to graduate Published … punished as 'harassment' … First Amendment … Robert Dunn … religious freedom … colleges and universities … students … …
  • … ADF continues fight to stop ‘two hours of free speech per week’ policy at SLU Court struck down … campus. However, the panel agreed that the university can no longer charge a discriminatory “security fee” to religious speakers simply because their speech might be …
  • … ADF lawsuit results in speech policy changes at 10 Phoenix-area community colleges … reserved, they could not speak at all. The new policy no longer contains these restrictions. The lawsuit,  Mirelez … and universities … speech zones … Richard Shemberger … religious freedom … Paradise Valley Community College … free …
  • … Free speech finally free in Cal State University system ADF … Beach. T he ADF Center for Academic Freedom defends religious freedom at America’s public universities.  ADF is a … Beach. T he ADF Center for Academic Freedom defends religious freedom at America’s public universities.  ADF is a …
  • … US Supreme Court protects free speech for all High court affirms that First Amendment … for all Americans,” Waggoner added. “The government should no more censor Lorie for speaking consistent with her beliefs … non-profit legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, and the …
  • … U.S. Supreme Court protects free speech online High court protects the rights of citizens … non-profit legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, and the … non-profit legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, and the …