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Showing 90 results for "detailspages press release details adf commends hhs final rule protecting conscience rights"
  • ADF at the Supreme Court SCOTUS Cases Pending Decisions Cases … for women and girls in sports must be upheld. Press Release Explainer Case Documents   Date Filed: July 11, 2024 …
  • … Safeguarding the Rights of K-12 Educators The Constitution protects the right … speak, live, and work in accordance with their faith and conscience. No teacher, coach, counselor, administrator, or … fear of government punishment. DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE Meet ADF's Clients …
  • … Ministry Friend Bill of Rights As a Ministry Friend who supports the work and … you have any questions concerning our work. Donate to ADF Help defend people like you. Make a Donation Join our … Share This Page Facebook Twitter … Ministry Friend Bill of Rights … 19543 … 3138 … Ministry Friend Bill of Rights
  • ADF International ADF International is a faith-based legal advocacy … 7 Global Offices 38 Wins at the European Court of Human Rights 1,100 Advocacy Matters 104 Countries Engaged … … ADF International … 18664 … 19812 … ADF International …
  • Protecting Your Ministry Access sample statements and sample … for Christian Ministries Learn More Don’t have the Protecting Your Ministry resource? Download a digital copy here. Get The Booklet   … Protecting Your Ministry … 3481 … 3632 … Protecting Your …
  • … Parental Rights ISSUES Parental Rights Parents bring us into the world … we defend your rights? Together with like-minded partners, ADF advocates for parents’ rights in three key areas by … human sexuality, race, and other controversial topics. At ADF, we know that strong families are the backbone of a …
  • … , West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and ADF are asking the Supreme Court to hear their case after the … that, protecting women’s sports and equal opportunities. Press Release Explainer: BPJ v. West Virginia Explainer: Hecox v. …
  • … Corporate Affairs Defending the rights of business professionals to live their faith in the … Does the changing culture concern you or your staff?  ADF Corporate Affairs exists to help you answer these questions and more. What We Do ADF Corporate Affairs educates, equips, and engages business …
  • … you and your child need to be prepared to defend your rights. That’s why we’re offering this resource to you for … Included in this guide are answers to questions like: What rights do individual K-12 students have to express their faith at school? What rights do religious clubs have to access secondary school …