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  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake regarding President Joe Biden’s executive order issued Wednesday that villainizes and grossly misrepresents religious Americans and others holding to commonsense American values and violates their constitutionally and legally protected freedoms: “Every American is protected under the Constitution to freely live and work according to their religious beliefs, and President Biden can’t remove those fundamental rights with a stroke of his pen. It is a gross overreach of his authority, for example ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom President and CEO Michael Farris regarding recent violence and attempted violence by pro-abortion extremists: “The American system provides a peaceful way to protest and to deal with grievances through legal means. Using violence and harassment to achieve political ends is an attack not only on the victims of such violence, but also on our very system of government. ADF categorically condemns the recent fire-bombing and vandalization of pro-life organizations by violent pro-abortion radicals. One of those organizations is led ...
  • ADF attorneys represent Turning Point USA chapter, student at Copper Hills High School
  • WHO: Alliance Defending Freedom client Lorie Smith, owner of 303 Creative, and ADF General Counsel Kristen Waggoner WHAT: Speaking at a press conference led by Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Doug Lamborn on Smith’s free speech lawsuit before the U.S. Supreme Court, 303 Creative v. Elenis WHEN: Thursday, June 9, beginning at 12 p.m. EDT WHERE: House Triangle, U.S. Capitol, Washington ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Other speakers confirmed to speak include U.S. Sens. Marsha Blackburn and James Lankford and U.S. Reps. Vicki Hartzler and Debbie Lesko. To schedule an interview with Smith or Waggoner, contact ADF ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Christiana Kiefer regarding the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act ( SB 44), which became law after Gov. John Bel Edwards announced Monday that he would allow the bill to be enacted without his signature. The bill protects opportunities for women and girls in athletics by ensuring they are not forced to compete against men playing on women’s sports teams: “Women and girls deserve to compete on a level playing field. When the law ignores biological reality, female athletes lose medals, podium spots, public ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Kate Anderson, director of the ADF Center for Parental Rights, regarding a Virginia trial judge’s dismissal last week of C.I. v. Albemarle County School Board, a lawsuit filed by parents and students to challenge the school board’s indoctrination of students in racially divisive ideology: “The court’s dismissal of the valid concerns of parents and students challenging the Albemarle County School Board’s racially discriminatory policy is disappointing, but the case will continue on appeal. Every student deserves ...
  • ADF attorneys file suit against Harrisonburg City Public School Board
  • Los abogados de ADF presentan una demanda contra la Junta de Escuelas Públicas de la Ciudad de Harrisonburg
  • ADF attorneys represent Lorie Smith in 303 Creative v. Elenis
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Roger Brooks regarding the Waukesha County Circuit Court’s decision Wednesday to deny Kettle Moraine School District’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit brought against the school district by two sets of Wisconsin parents: “Parents’ rights to direct the upbringing, education, and mental health treatment of their children is one of the most basic constitutional rights every parent holds dear, yet we are seeing more and more school districts across the country not only ignoring parents’ concerns but actively working ...