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Showing 13 results for "sanctity of life page 17"
  • … to raise a child. I’m too young. I’ll have to drop out of school. My family and friends will judge me. Since Roe v. … 1973, over 57 million babies have been denied the right to life, their mothers choosing what may have seemed like an … mother when she became pregnant with her first child as a 17-year-old high school student. She managed to graduate …
  • … English professor when an NPR news report changed her life. It was January 22, 1973. And while Peggy had encountered the issue of abortion during her undergraduate studies on the West … Life chapter, delivering presentations on abortion and the sanctity of life in living rooms and church basements to …
  • … a unique glass ceiling, she has become the first mother of school-age children to serve on the high court, where her inspiring presence gives a voice to millions of Americans who have been underrepresented at this elite … But my gratitude is also more personal. Serving in public life as a conservative, a Christian, a woman, and a lawyer …
  • … You might think a commitment to protecting unborn life would be an asset for a midwife. In fact, that … care setting. More and more, I felt called to take care of pregnant women and help bring life into the world. I enrolled in the Midwifery course at the University of Nottingham (United Kingdom). But in my final year of
  • … L ike most of us, Jean Marie Davis knows enough not to pick up hitchhikers. Unlike some of us, she knows a nudge from the Lord when she feels one. A … prostitute, too,” she said. “Are you tired of living that life?” Jean Marie asked. “Cuz I know I was.” The young woman …
  • … D.C. ADF attorneys filed a lawsuit against the city of Washington, D.C., after students were arrested while chalking a pro-life message on a public city sidewalk. In June, two murals … and “Defund the Police” were created, extending the length of a city block. The Frederick Douglass Foundation and …
  • … Different dads find different ways of spending meaningful, memorable time with their little … a complaint. She just knew how to push hard. The drivers of the concrete trucks were always impressed. They’d say, … pastor who challenged the Nazis and paid for it with his life. She was struck hard, she says, by his warning that …
  • … children — like so many others — the relative isolation of homeschooling was wearing a little thin. Time for a break. … who need their loving care. Unfortunately for thousands of foster children, the state of Oregon doesn’t seem nearly … university, her faith was a major factor even in her love life … to the point where she wouldn’t consider seriously …
  • … Christian Academy. Children filter in from all corners of the one-mile-square, low-income neighborhood in East … children during the long day’s work ahead. Two vanloads of children will soon swell the ranks, shepherded in by the … area, Alfred says, were coping with the stress in their life by “hollering and fighting” — a tough combination for …
  • … — began spreading around the world and into the lives of Americans. Life ground to a halt. Businesses, churches, and schools closed. Millions lost their jobs. Hundreds of thousands lost their lives. At the same time, our nation …