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Showing 13 results for "watch why we should want more mere tolerance"
  • … she would like it to be written. But my gratitude is also more personal. Serving in public life as a conservative, a … refreshing to look at the Supreme Court bench and remember we're not alone. In part because of our religious … choice to stay home and raise their families. That choice should be celebrated and supported. It does, however, have …
  • … as it always does. In Romans, the Apostle Paul writes: “We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, … As this edition of Faith & Justice reaches your mailbox, we very well may be stepping out of the long shadow cast by …
  • … decision makes it clear that a church cannot be treated more harshly than secular entities, according to ADF Senior … Deputy Director of ADF International. "As a society, we prohibit discrimination based on disability. This should also be true for babies in the womb." Robert Clarke, …