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Showing 19 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2019 10 08 adf defends harris funeral homes at u s supreme court"
  • … Defending America’s Founding Principles … What ADF Does …
  • … your child need to be prepared to defend your rights. That’s why we’re offering this resource to you for free. Included … do individual K-12 students have to express their faith at school? What rights do religious clubs have to access … Handbook . … Students don’t have to leave their faith at home … Student Rights Handbook …
  • … Justice Amy Coney Barrett's recent confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is truly … to millions of Americans who have been underrepresented at this elite level: conservative women. I'm grateful for …
  • … Home School Legal Defense Association. Smith, along with ADF President and CEO Michael Farris, founded HSLDA in 1983 … to protect the right of families to provide personalized, at-home learning for their children. Smith’s view of education took a profound turn in 1981, when he …
  • … lifelong passion: combating abortion by helping one woman at a time. I've never met a woman who really, deep down, … centers, ultrasound-equipped medical clinics, maternity homes, non-profit adoption agencies, and abortion recovery programs. In the U.S. alone, the Heartbeat network serves 1.5 million clients …
  • … Washington, D.C. ADF attorneys filed a lawsuit against the city of Washington, … bars, and other businesses were allowed to operate at half capacity. The 9th Circuit’s decision makes it clear … challenging the church’s title to the property, a December 2019 court decision prohibited the use of the building. The …
  • … lost their jobs. Hundreds of thousands lost their lives. At the same time, our nation reckoned with racism and riots, … the last year, I have been heartened by the faith of our ADF clients. Michael Farris Over the last year, I have been … out of the long shadow cast by 2020 and into a new day’s light. Yet new challenges are already on their way. We will …
  • … and her daughter, Dani. He appeared to have been camping at the reservoir for some time, and Jessica could smell … Creative v. Elenis . In that case — successfully argued by ADF attorneys last year — the High Court held that the state … the state’s policy goes forward. “Oregon needs resource homes,” Widmalm-Delphonse says. “Jessica feels that she has …
  • … his son decided) or climbed Mount Everest — in one day. At the time, Liam says, he believed that last one, “because … officials and say, ‘This is unacceptable.’” Logan Spena, ADF Legal Counsel “I’ve been told that my shirt was targeting … Christie, leave the courthouse after arguments at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit in Boston on Feb. …