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Showing 55 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2017 05 24 a look at why marriage matters to larsens"
  • … ruled in favor of the Minnesota filmmakers who challenged a state law that compels them to promote messages with which … are Bible-believing Christians who have a passion for marriage. They work hard to cultivate their own marriage and … join them for the holidays, and often fills the open seats at their 12-foot-long table with people they met just …
  • to compel photographer to take photographs and write blog posts promoting same-sex marriage pro-abortion groups … Photography Studio v. City of Madison Image Amy Lawson is a 25 year-old evangelical Christian who seeks to honor God in … obtain relief from a court.     The Outcome In August 2017, the Wisconsin Circuit Court for Dane County issued two …
  • … Chelsey Nelson Another photographer is taking a stand for freedom — this time in Kentucky Case: Chelsey … her life’s passion. During the time she spent living at her church friends’ home, Chelsey’s love of photography … she photographs through sharing stories about them on her blog. It is Chelsey’s personal touch and skills that help …
  • … Rights Commission Image Jack Phillips doesn’t belong in a courtroom. He belongs at the counter of Masterpiece Cakeshop, creating beautiful, … a new threat from the state. Jack was tested again In June 2017, on the very day that the Supreme Court announced its …
  • … Louisiana, Kelvin knew he wanted more out of life. At the age of five, he watched firemen fight a fire that had started in his neighbor’s house and … wrote “Who Told You That You Were Naked?" a book which details the state of man since the fall of Adam in the Book …
  • … Trinity Lutheran Church How Trinity Lutheran Church Won a Landmark Victory for Religious Freedom Case: Trinity … Lutheran file suit? “One of our safety concerns and issues at the Learning Center is getting the right—the strongest, … hear the case, and oral arguments were heard on April 19, 2017. Donate Now Trinity Lutheran’s victory at the Supreme …
  • … Supreme Court ruled in favor of artists who challenged a Phoenix law that would have compelled them to promote … story below.) In January 2015, after first meeting at a Bible study where they learned about their mutual … that puts a smile on my face. I love seeing all the tiny details come together to achieve a dramatic finish. It is so …
  • … like her here. The floral artist’s story In February 2017, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled that the … but to every American who cherishes freedom. Barronelle is a floral artist … and a grandmother. You’d never expect to see someone like her at the center of a firestorm. But she was sued in both her …
  • … June Sheldon June Sheldon was an adjunct professor at San José City College (SJCC). In the summer of 2007, she taught a Human Heredity course that explored the role of genetics in … … religious freedom … redesigning society … professors … marriage … June Sheldon … homosexuality … free speech … …
  • … Jon and Elaine Huguenin In 2006, Elaine Huguenin, a wedding photographer in New Mexico, received an inquiry … the case. Although the Supreme Court reviewed this request at three of its conferences, it declined to review the case on April 7, 2014. Find out more about marriage and family issues . … If pictures are worth a