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Showing 68 results for "though trials may come"
  • Ruth Malhotra and Orit Sklar unleashed all the worst furies of the Left when they stood up in support of their faith and their conservative views on the campus of Georgia Tech.
  • Augusta State University counseling student Jennifer Keeton was told that her Christian beliefs were unethical and incompatible with the prevailing views in her college counseling program.
  • Jacob Smith, a student at Patterson Elementary, discovered a surprising response to an innocuous invitation inviting his classmates to attend a religious youth camp sponsored by his church.
  • Two days a week, five hours per day, for the last 14 years, Eleanor McCullen has stood on the sidewalk outside a Boston Planned Parenthood facility trying to persuade mothers not to abort their babies.
  • You might think a commitment to protecting unborn life would be an asset for a midwife.
  • Watch the story of the Tennes Family who was banned from the farmer’s market by the city of East Lansing simply because of their beliefs about marriage.
  • As a student interested in public affairs and a political future, A.J. Fluehr was dumbfounded at the blatant speech codes enforced at Pennsylvania State University.
  • … express resulting conclusions to students…[T]he instructor may present views which are controversial and evaluate … express resulting conclusions to students…[T]he instructor may present views which are controversial and evaluate …
  • … some time, and Jessica could smell alcohol on his breath. “Come see my puppies!” he said. A little uncomfortable, … need any puppies right now,” Jessica replied. “Thanks, though!” The family walked quickly toward the water. The … the point,” the woman insisted. “Years later, the child may decide they want to transition — and you won’t be …
  • Professor pressured to refer to a male student as a woman.