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Showing 50 results for "term 10563 feed"
  • It is the essence of the New Testament, from Jesus’ first words to His first disciples, to the closing lines of Revelation: an invitation to come. Nothing forced, nothing rushed, no pressure… just a gracious extension of earthly hospitality, rife with eternal implications.
  • In the fall of 2008, Jonathan Lopez attended Los Angeles City College (LACC) and was enrolled in a speech class. During this same time California voters passed Proposition 8 which amended the state’s constitution to define marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman.
  • Founded in 1848 by the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, Geneva College is no stranger to ­­taking big risks for the sake of Christ.
  • Christian filmmakers seek the freedom to create art consistent with their faith.
  • June Sheldon was an adjunct professor at San José City College (SJCC). In the summer of 2007, she taught a Human Heredity course that explored the role of genetics in different disciplines like medicine and agriculture as well as an overview of the biology of human genetics.
  • In 1993, Dr. Mike Adams, a self-declared atheist and liberal, began working at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington (UNCW).
  • Since the beginning, the Stormans have run their business consistent with their Christian faith. That faith informs their decisions about their stores, from the way they interact with employees and their community, to their decision to not stock early abortifacient drugs, like the morning-after pill (Plan B) and ella in Ralph’s Thriftway’s pharmacy.
  • What motivates one school district to silence this little girl’s witness for Christ?
  • Professor pressured to refer to a male student as a woman.
  • Lorie Smith stood for free speech at the U.S. Supreme Court—and won.