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Showing 458 results for "campus club has been denied recognition three years because its christian"
  • … of a Washington state student told that she and other Christian students could not meet for religious purposes on their school's campus during non-instructional time. Case Documents Court … could not meet for religious purposes on their school's campus during non-instructional time. … 7625 … 7627 … 7617 … …
  • … from participating in the program after reading Bethel’s Christian beliefs about marriage and sexuality, even though the school has not—and will not—turn down a student based on their … conduct. Commentary My Christian school is suing Maryland because our pupils need voucher Claire Dant March 19, 2020 …
  • … v. Grube Details Documents Summary Benjamin Bloedorn, a Christian, and a a few friends attempted to share their faith in a "free speech" zone on the campus of Georgia Southern University. A university official … to the proposed topic and time of the planned event. Because Bloedorn and his friends felt that the requirement to …
  • … $300,000 in mandatory fees charged of all students, but denied Students for Life $500 in funding to host a visiting … a federal lawsuit, on behalf of Students for Life and its campus president, Nathan Apodaca, who are prevented from …
  • … FIRE then wrote a letter to UW-Eau Claire, explaining that its ban on Bible studies was unconstitutional.  When the … rooms, floors or residence halls, or anywhere else on campus, to the same extent as other students.”  To settle the … attorneys’ fees and costs. What's at stake The right of Christian students to hold Bible studies in their dorm rooms …
  • IN pro-life club, high school student challenge revoked status over pro-life flyers
  • … student expression on the university’s Edwardsville campus to a tiny speech zone that made up less than .0013 percent of campus. In addition, all student organizations had to obtain … zone and what types of literature can be distributed on campus up to the free discretion of campus officials. Case …
  • … engaged in class discussions on an array of topics. But because DeJong’s beliefs often differed from those of other students in the program, beliefs informed by her Christian faith and political stance, several of her fellow … having “any contact” or even “indirect communication” with three fellow graduate students who complained that her …
  • … students to request approval to speak days in advance, and because the permits are subject to the university’s approval, … pick and choose which events and viewpoints are allowed on campus. The policies violate Alabama’s FORUM Act, which … to respect the free speech rights of students on campus. Case Documents Court Title Date Trial Court Complaint …
  • … from contributing to faith-based charities as part of its voluntary state employee charity donation program. After attorneys from ADF and the Christian Legal Society's Center for Law & Religious Freedom … from contributing to faith-based charities as part of its voluntary state employee charity donation program. After …