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Showing 158 results for "term 10563 feed"
  • University of Montana School of Law agrees to revise policy regarding funding to Christian student groups
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent Louisiana State University student restricted from student restricted from distributing pro-life material beyond a 1,000 square-foot area on campus
  • Christian student organization, Ratio Christi, filed a federal lawsuit against the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for failing to distribute money collected from mandatory student fees to student organizations in a fair, viewpoint-neutral manner.
  • Southeastern Louisiana University has enforced a permit requirement and two-hours-per-week “free speech” policy against an outside Christian speaker
  • In January 2015, Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration on behalf of a pro-life Vermont man after he lost his private health plan due to Obamacare and was forced on to the state exchange.
  • Sun Prairie Area School District agrees to drop discriminatory policy charging Awana Club fees to meet on campus
  • The Supreme Court ruled that a Louisiana law providing funds for educational materials in both private and public schools did not violate the Constitution.
  • "Floating buffer zones” created by a federal district court prevented people from sharing their beliefs about life, violating the First Amendment.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent two African-American taxpayers in Minnesota who are challenging the unauthorized use of state funding for elective abortions
  • State high court publicly censured Judge Ruth Neely, forced her to stop solemnizing marriages, and drove her from magistrate judge position because of her religious beliefs about marriage