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Showing 277 results for "new hope family services can keep its door openfor now"
  • … The Equal Rights Amendment: Its History, Its Meaning, and Where It Stands Now The Equal … activists continue to insist that the ERA is alive and can still be enshrined in the Constitution. To this end, in … for abortions. For example, ERAs in some states, including New Mexico and Connecticut, have been used by courts to …
  • New York Pays $275,000 After Repeatedly Harassing Christian … Ministry New York government agencies tried to punish New Hope Family Services because of the adoption provider’s religious …
  • Can a Court Dictate How a Christian College Carries Out Its Mission? Gordon College, a Christian college in … religious organizations like colleges have a right  to keep their faith an integral part of their operations through …
  • … Worship Banned at the Civic Center? Why One New Church Filed a Lawsuit Against Its Town Redeemer … request to temporarily rent the civic center for worship services while permitting rental to secular groups. Written … its policy to reverse the worship ban. Now churches can rent the civic center on the same terms as every other …
  • New Mexico Passes New Law Protecting Doctors’ Freedoms After … professional associations in Mew Mexico from ensuring its members did not participate in assisted suicide. This … ADF dismissed the lawsuit. The bottom line The government can’t force health-care professionals to violate medical …
  • … Are We Deaf to the Sound of Hope? In 1998, an East Texas town began opening their homes … Vermont placed a 4-month-old with the Gantts before the family was even licensed. The child was born dependent on … She wants to provide a home for a sibling pair. By now you can probably guess why she can’t. Oregon won’t let her unless …
  • New York City Vaccine Mandate Targeted Religious Employees … beliefs, and Sarah was forced to move to Israel, where her family could take her in and keep her from starving. In another tragic story, Curtis …
  • … Every Unborn Child Has a Family Being pro-woman and pro-man is an essential piece of … he moves within her; he is continuously nestled where he can hear her heart. Her assumptions about life and her … to. We must be pro-life for the men and women who bring new life into the world, the parents who make choices on …
  • New York Is Violating Photographer’s Free Speech Photographer … every message. The First Amendment ensures that Emilee can decline to express messages that contradict her beliefs. … or shut down her studio. New York says Emilee violates its laws if she continues to only photograph weddings …
  • New Jersey Now Allows Abortion for Any Reason Up Until Birth … is another brazen attempt by the abortion industry to push its extreme agenda at the expense of unborn babies and their … the country this year. But, while these attacks on life can be disheartening, they will not go unanswered. Alliance …