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Showing 283 results for "justice thomas issues important reminder about religious freedom"
  • … Is Religious Freedom Discrimination? Here’s why religious … the surviving Pilgrims gave thanks and feasted, joined by about 90 Native Americans. The Pilgrims were neither the … Rights, adopted in 1776, encapsulates the meaning of this important freedom: “That religion, or the duty which we owe …
  • … How Religious Freedom Benefits Our Society Religious freedom … published a recent study that discusses certain aspects about religious liberty as a critical building block of a … religious freedom limits freedom for all of us. It is important that everyone has the right to live according to …
  • … continue to spread lies about pregnancy centers, it’s important to know the facts: pregnancy centers provide … Court overturned California’s unconstitutional law . Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the majority, held that “the people lose …
  • … What Is Religious Freedom? Religious freedom is not a narrow right to … to live and speak the truth. Why is religious freedom important? A fundamental part of what it means to be human is … United States Constitution. What does the Constitution say about religious freedom? The First Amendment to the …
  • … How the Biden Administration Is Using Regulations to Erode Religious Freedom The Biden administration has implemented or is … Issued by nine federal agencies, led by the Department of Justice This was another Trump-era rule that relieved federal …
  • … Supreme Court Affirms Religious Freedom in School Choice In Arizona Christian … in a 5-4 decision. Delivering the opinion of the court, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote that the taxpayers who didn’t … for lower-income families who might have only dreamed about the opportunity, previously. Case timeline February …
  • … The Truth About Morris Dees and the SPLC The SPLC and its co-founder … ignoring lower-profile cases that they believed were more important. Morris Dees co-founded the Southern Poverty Law … to a group that disagrees with the SPLC on political issues. Instead of engaging in meaningful debate with groups …
  • … of Our Generation: Corporate Cancellation’s Threat to Freedom No one should lose access to their social media … alone fear cancellation from their bank—because of their religious or political viewpoints. Written by Emily LaFata … ADF is deploying our Business Index findings to bring about lasting change in corporate America. Over the past …
  • Religious Freedom Prevails After Christian Orgs Challenge Virginia … doors to the community by inviting everyone in to learn about Christ and grow in their relationship with him. Calvary … to hire employees who do not share their beliefs about marriage, sexuality, and gender identity—and even …
  • … Women’s Health Organization decision —and particularly Justice Clarence Thomas’s concurrence—to stoke fears that the Court might … little to fix the bill’s significant religious freedom issues. It merely gave the illusion of addressing the bill’s …