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Showing 277 results for "how un undermines parental rights pushing gender ideology"
  • How Gender Theory Undermines Reality What is gender theory? Read this breakdown … that they build around these biological realities. A UN report defines gender as a ‘socio-cultural construct.’ But … willing to take in children, not fewer. Education and parental rights ADF is challenging school policies across the …
  • … in 2022, they were asked to rate on a scale of one to five how “accepting and supportive” they would be of a child who … Gender Ideology Litmus Test for Foster Parents … 21567 … parental rights … religious freedom … gender … conscience … Vermont … …
  • … State Discriminates Against Foster Parents Who Oppose Gender Ideology The state of Washington is requiring parents … … 21394 … conscience … family … Washington … foster care … parental rights … Washington State Discriminates Against Foster …
  • … Oregon: Adopt Gender Ideology Before Adopting Children Oregon denied an … has been through a lot, but she has experienced firsthand how God has provided for her as a widow and cared for her … Jessica. Oregon’s policy not only violates the rights of people like Jessica looking to adopt or foster, but …
  • … ‘Gender Support Plans’ Trample Parental Rights Schools that … to fill out the form with the student, often without parental knowledge. ‘Gender support plans’ present dangers to …
  • … Michigan Threatens Catholic School Over Gender Ideology A redefined Michigan law is threatening to violate … of Jesus Parish v. Nessel Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act and penal code was intended to ban discrimination …
  • … What Are Parental Rights? Parents, not the government, have the right … to their daughter without their knowledge or consent. How did this happen? The Meads were involved in their … well-being of society. Conversely, when the government undermines parental rights and responsibilities or seeks to …
  • … Medical Organizations Call for End to Gender Ideology in Pediatric Care The American College of … as young as 14, and organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign have attempted to intimidate, shame, and … leaked in March 2024 revealed that the activist group was pushing ideology over science. The “WPATH files,” as they …
  • … child or adolescent gender dysphoria Experts differ as to how gender dysphoria ought to be treated in children and … has also affected education, with vast implications for parental rights. 4. Parental involvement is essential for sound care …
  • … Colorado School District Kept Parents in the Dark Over Gender Identity Rooming Scheme Jefferson County Public … it robbed her parents of the opportunity to exercise their parental rights to make the best decision for their daughter ahead of …