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Showing 241 results for "sanctity of life page 10"
  • … DC Officials Lose After Handcuffing Pro-Life Speech The Frederick Douglass Foundation was silenced … D.C., in June 2020, two murals appeared on the streets of the city in bright yellow, permanent paint. One proclaimed … Officials Lose After Handcuffing Pro-Life Speech … 17007 … sanctity of life … abortion … pro-life … Planned Parenthood … …
  • … 2024 Editor’s note: The following piece is an  adaptation  of written testimony presented to the House Oversight and … posited that the baby within her was merely “potential life.” But today, in a post- Roe America, that same young … Erin Hawley’s Remarks … 18824 … abortion … pro-lifesanctity of life … Congress … congressional hearing … U.S. …
  • … has repeatedly prioritized its profits over the lives of women and children. People deserve to know the truth about … never got to grow up, experience the joys and hardships of life, and potentially change the world; and an untold number … Think … 20430 … pro-life … pro-life advocates … abortion … sanctity of life … Planned Parenthood … Center for Medical …
  • … pattern will shape the beliefs, dispositions, and habits of our lives. It is no mistake, then, that the cultural … are living this out by dedicating the month of June to Life (celebrating the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade … Our Days: A Response to Pride Month … 20497 … pro-lifesanctity of life … gender … culture … Teach Us to Number Our …
  • … Laws that legalize assisted suicide facilitate a culture of death that is hard to stop once it starts. Written by … 15, 2024 As a young man, Jesse Ramirez decided to put his life on the line and serve his country during the Gulf War. … Why Should You Care About It? … 18482 … assisted suicide … sanctity of life … pro-life … California … Massachusetts … …
  • … , it should have been a time to celebrate millions of lives being saved. Pro-life advocates across America did just that, praising God for … Ectopic Pregnancy Is Not an Abortion … 20842 … abortion … sanctity of life … pro-life … Planned Parenthood … Supreme …
  • … Health Organization that empowered states to protect life, abortion providers have been advocating for these drugs … one abortion provider is putting profit over the safety of women and girls and attempting to eradicate the safeguards … Protections for North Carolina Moms … 20336 … abortion … sanctity of life … pro-life advocates … Abortion Provider …
  • … University Demands Trigger Warning for Pro-Life Display Ellen Wittman challenged policies at her … 3, 2023 Revised December 1, 2023 During her senior year of high school, Ellen Wittman stood on stage with Dr. Ben … of Ohio-Hamilton … pro-life … pro-life advocates … sanctity of life … University Demands Trigger Warning for …
  • … Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published March 10, 2022 Revised November 13, 2023 Do you remember when being … Read more about this case below. Who are the parents of Madison Metropolitan School District? Parents in the … School District (MMSD) adopted a policy for all of its schools based on controversial gender ideology. The …
  • … August 16, 2022 Revised June 5, 2024 “They saved my life,” says ADF client Jean Marie Davis, human trafficking overcomer and executive director of Branches Pregnancy Center in Brattleboro, Vermont. “I am … About Pregnancy Centers … 18916 … abortion … pro-lifesanctity of life … pregnancy centers … The Truth About …