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Showing 330 results for "defending schoolchildren homosexual legal agenda"
  • … What Is the Blackstone Legal Fellowship? The Blackstone Legal Fellowship is integral in Alliance Defending Freedom’s ultimate goal of serving Christ while … “rights” out of thin air so that they can further their agenda. At Alliance Defending Freedom, we remember …
  • … God’s Not Dead 2: The Legal Cases That Inspired the Film God’s Not Dead 2 drew inspiration from numerous cases litigated by Alliance Defending Freedom. Written by Grant Atkinson Published June … answered a student’s in-class question about heredity and homosexual behavior by citing a class textbook, but the …
  • … Bronx Church’s 20-Year Legal Battle Led to Freedom for New Yorkers of All Faiths … facilities for worship services. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published August 1, 2023 In the University … facilities for worship services. Attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom asked the Supreme Court to hear the case …
  • … What Is Alliance Defending Freedom? Alliance Defending Freedom exists to advance the God-given right to … 2024 Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building legal ministry advancing the God-given right to live and …
  • … from offering abortion pill reversal. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published April 12, 2024 Abortion pill … still enforce its law against anyone else. How is Alliance Defending Freedom involved in the case? Chelsea Mynyk is a … who want it, Colorado is pushing an extreme pro-abortion agenda. These unconstitutional actions cannot be allowed to …
  • … redefinition of ‘sex’ in Title IX. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published May 24, 2024 Revised September 4, … free speech, and threaten women’s sports. Alliance Defending Freedom has filed multiple lawsuits challenging the … Alliance Defending Freedom Alliance Defending Freedom Adaleia Cross …
  • … that threaten us all. When we defend free speech, we are defending everyone’s right to speak freely without coercion … or censorship. When we defend religious freedom, we are defending everyone’s right to believe and live out their faith. When we defend life, we are defending the sanctity and value of every life, born and …
  • … by ‘gender identity,’ not sex. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published January 19, 2024 Revised February … required, by regard for individual privacy.” Activists’ legal arguments fail After Idaho passed its commonsense law, … to protect the important safety and privacy interests of schoolchildren in intimate spaces. July 2023 : Activists sued …
  • … Harrisonburg City Public Schools are having to threaten legal action over a policy that requires school officials to … to be happy, healthy, and safe, not because of a political agenda. But many of the activist organizations pushing such … Sharon Supp serves as Senior Research Analyst at Alliance Defending Freedom. View Profile … … 7642 … 7628 … 7648 … 7658 …
  • … increased scrutiny in recent years. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published May 31, 2023 Revised June 6, 2024 … the Southern Poverty Law Center? The SPLC is a nonprofit legal organization based in Montgomery, Alabama. It was … including a number of religious nonprofits like Alliance Defending Freedom. The SPLC has labeled ADF as an “anti-LGBT …