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Showing 2399 results for "cast your vote protect life"
  • … ADF asks 9th Circuit to rehear ‘Ask God what your grade is’ ruling Full court asked to reinstate … of strategy, training, funding, and litigation  to protect and preserve religious liberty, the sanctity of life, marriage, and the family. Related Case Lopez v. …
  • … NY ‘Choose Life’ license plates vindicated Federal court orders state to … of strategy, training, funding, and litigation to protect and preserve religious liberty, the sanctity of life, … of strategy, training, funding, and litigation to protect and preserve religious liberty, the sanctity of life, …
  • … Ohio House passes bill to protect women’s sports Published June 25, 2021 The following … Counsel Christiana Holcomb  regarding the Ohio House’s vote Thursday to include the Save Women’s Sports Act as an … freedom, free speech, parental rights, and the sanctity of life.   # # # Related Profiles … The following quote may be …
  • … Wyoming Right to Life, state officials seek to defend pro-life law ADF … enacted  the Life is a Human Right Act—a law that seeks to protect unborn life and ensure maternal health and safety—a … enacted  the Life is a Human Right Act—a law that seeks to protect unborn life and ensure maternal health and safety—a …
  • … California Thinks It Can Raise Your Kids Better Than You Can Along with violating the … that can lead to permanent sterilization and other life-long harms. V. SB 107 conflicts with federal law … … … 7658 … 7648 … 7786 … California Thinks It Can Raise Your Kids Better Than You Can … 18965 … California … …
  • … Here’s How the Equality Act Threatens Your Freedom Laws must respect religious freedom and promote … Equality Act gives people of faith an ultimatum: change your faith-based practices or face government punishment. The … 7617 … 7657 … 7631 … Here’s How the Equality Act Threatens Your Freedom … 16183 … artists … foster care … adoption …
  • … Wyoming Right to Life, legislators seek to intervene in defense of state … and unborn children. “The state of Wyoming is eager to protect life and uphold its law that seeks to preserve the … states that proposed intervenors “seek intervention to protect and defend their interests, which include preserving …
  • ADF attorneys file suit against city of Monroe for discriminatory zoning practices
  • … Mexico: Doctors no longer forced to help end a patient's life After ADF attorneys file suit, state rushes to enact law … and Gov. Lujan Grisham for enacting this critical law to protect health care professionals who object to assisted … beliefs.  Desiring to resolve the lawsuit  and protect the state’s religious and conscientious medical …
  • … Augusta State Univ. to counseling student: change your beliefs or get out ADF attorneys file suit after … of strategy, training, funding, and litigation  to protect and preserve religious liberty, the sanctity of life, marriage, and the family. Related Case Keeton v. …