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Showing 1307 results for "michigan schools try silence prayer"
  • … ADF responds to latest ACLU attempt to silence public prayer Despite previous loss, ACLU continues effort to halt … … 7627 … 7617 … ADF responds to latest ACLU attempt to silence public prayer … Case:Doe #2 v. Tangipahoa Parish …
  • … NAACP tries to silence critical reporting of its actions ADF-allied attorney … side of this human rights issue, and they are wrong to try to silence our free speech, too.” In January 2013, … side of this human rights issue, and they are wrong to try to silence our free speech, too.” In January 2013, …
  • … How Pittsburgh Tried to Silence Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselors Pro-life sidewalk … that the ban doesn’t apply to sidewalk counseling, only prayer or standing quietly while holding a sign or wearing … including pro-life counselors. “The government can’t silence speakers just because it doesn’t like what they have …
  • Michigan Threatens Catholic School Over Gender Ideology A redefined Michigan law is threatening to violate the First Amendment … with their religious beliefs is a top priority. Religious schools have the First Amendment right to operate according …
  • … Catholic school, families sue Michigan officials for forcing them to violate their faith … families, filed a  federal lawsuit  Thursday against Michigan officials for violating their freedom under the … we represent in this case specifically opted out of public schools and instead chose to send their children to Sacred …
  • … ACLU fails to silence religious expression in Wilson County schools … discriminated against for their beliefs and that personal prayer, mentions of God, and Christmas references are …
  • Michigan school district treats girl as boy behind parents' … Defending Freedom attorneys  filed suit  against a Michigan school district Monday on behalf of a mother and … Anderson, director of ADF’s Center for Parental Rights. “Schools should never deliberately hide vital information from …
  • … concern over what is going on in their children’s schools—both online and in person at their local school board … even said , “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Parents have a right  to … seek information about what’s going on at their children’s schools. And in many school districts, there are serious …
  • … through the distribution of fliers within district schools. The district has approved fliers for a wide variety … through the distribution of fliers within district schools. The district has approved fliers for a wide variety …
  • … Colo. school relents on prayer ban during free time ADF withdraws suit after school … though it simply eliminated the seminar period. “Public schools should encourage the free exchange of ideas rather than find ways to silence discussion,” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Jeremy …