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Showing 2397 results for "its not just nurses doctors pharmacists can be conscientious objectors abortion too"
  • … affirmation that conscience and good health care are not only compatible, but inseparable. Allowing pharmacists to … never be forced to participate in destroying human life just to be able to preserve their professional licenses.” In its opinion, the court wrote, “The Board of Pharmacy’s 2007 …
  • … legal action against any pharmacy or pharmacist that does not comply, even if doing so violates their religious beliefs, as is the case of Mayo Pharmacy and its owner, Martian. In the amended complaint, ADF’s and … attempt to use federal law to force emergency room doctors to perform abortions, even if doing so violates their …
  • … U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to advance its radical abortion agenda. In March, ADF attorneys  added … who will be arguing before the court. “Federal law does not require pharmacies to stock or dispense abortion-causing … cannot illegally use federal law to force emergency room doctors to perform abortions. And in  another lawsuit , ADF …
  • … ADF defends right of conscience for pharmacists ADF attorney submits letter to defend pharmacists … Legal Counsel Byron Babione.  “Pro-life pharmacists should not face discrimination on the job because they are morally opposed to dispensing pills that can induce abortion.” The letter points out that including a …
  • … Court stops enforcement of Wash. regulations targeting pharmacists, pharmacies who don’t stock abortion drugs … those who believe life begins at conception…." "This is not an uncompromising battle between access and conscience," … Plan B.  After researching the abortion-inducing drug and its effects, Stormans, a Christian, decided that his store …
  • … . MINNEAPOLIS  – Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys will be available for media interviews following oral arguments … of his conscientious objection to dispensing a drug that can cause an abortion, an action that violates his religious beliefs. A jury found that Badeaux did not discriminate based on sex when he abided by his sincere …
  • … has long recognized that health-care professionals should not be forced to perform acts that violate their conscience. The … to guidance from the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy, pharmacists have the right to personally object to dispensing …
  • … Illinois forces doctors, medical facilities to promote abortion, ADF sues ADF … should have vetoed this bill for many reasons, including its incompatibility with Illinois law and the state … It also protects free speech, which includes the right not to be compelled by government to speak a message contrary …
  • … high court’s decision on a case involving two Washington pharmacists and a pharmacy owner. The 9th Circuit had … Stormans v. Wiesman , until the Supreme Court issued its ruling. Attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom, The … that the state adopted its new regulations “primarily (if not solely)” to ban religiously motivated referrals while the …
  • … Case: Anderson v. Aitkin Pharmacy The following quote may be attributed to  Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel … pharmacist George Badeaux who was sued because of his conscientious objection to dispensing a drug that can cause an abortion, an action that violates his religious …