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Showing 272 results for "marriage family page 12"
  • Marriage and Family ISSUES Marriage & Family Marriage and family are the foundation on … that protects the privacy, safety, and dignity of all K-12 students in public school locker rooms, showers, …
  • … Safeguarding the Rights of K-12 Educators The Constitution protects the right of every … Our laws must protect their First Amendment rights. K-12 Educators’ Guide Learn how the First Amendment protects … protect their rights. … … Safeguarding the Rights of K-12 Educators … 21437 … 21438 … 21439 … 21440 … 21444 … 21445 …
  • … Idaho SB 1100 ensures that intimate spaces in K-12 public schools are designated by sex. But activists sued, … … 21479 … 21480 … 21487 … 21488 … Title IX & 1557 Campaign Page
  • … each night, wondering if the coming day will bring them a family and a permanent home. For thousands of years, families … … 21006 … 20997 … 20998 … Adoption and Foster Care Issue Page
  • Marriage and Family Are Still the Foundation of Civilization Our confused culture needs clarity on why marriage and family are necessary for society to flourish. Written by …
  • … accordance with Scripture—that sex is reserved for marriage between a man and a woman. After the councilmember …
  • … Every Unborn Child Has a Family Being pro-woman and pro-man is an essential piece of … observation tells us that every unborn child is part of a family, a family with a story that is incredibly important. To be …
  • … Massachusetts Erasing ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ from Family Law Massachusetts has replaced the terms ‘mother’ and … that single parents, same-sex couples, and the nuclear family are all interchangeable. Lt. Gov. Driscoll’s … Erasing ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ from Family Law … 22510 … marriagefamily … Massachusetts … legislation … gender … …
  • … Sweet Victory: City Can’t Discriminate Against Christian Family Farm For years, the Tenneses sold their produce at a … 2016, someone posted on Country Mill Farms’ Facebook page, asking about their beliefs on marriage. Steve and Bridget are Catholic, so they answered …
  • Family Business Defeats Obamacare Abortion Pill Mandate … and ending an innocent human life. As Christians, the Hahn family believes every life is sacred, so they are opposed to … people at the time of the Supreme Court hearing. The Hahn family still owns Conestoga Wood Specialties. One of the …