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Showing 312 results for "despite providing excellent education over 35 years school was excluded voucher funding"
  • … Angela Little Angela Little was a freshman at Eastern Michigan University (EMU) when a … help establish a Students For Life (SFLA) chapter at the school. They collected signatures, recruited an adviser, and … and universities … pro-life … Michigan … free speech … education … Eastern Michigan University … Case:Students for …
  • … sharing of ideas” is essential to an effective legal education. In recent years, some elite law schools have deprived their students of … free speech case. When they arrived, they were met by over a hundred students who shouted, chanted, banged on the …
  • … Vermont has repeatedly violated the First Amendment. Now, despite a federal appeals court victory and a recent U.S. … schools in nearby districts. The Vermont State Board of Education decides which schools will be included in the Town … As a result of the VPA’s policy, a male athlete who is over six feet tall was allowed to compete on the high school
  • … ADF General Counsel Kristen Waggoner Harassed at Yale Law School Event Listen to audio of Yale law student protestors … Yale Law School where speaking freely—even on free speech—was enough to get her shouted down and threatened by … 24, 2022 Listen to audio of student protesters yelling over Kristen Waggoner as she attempts to speak about a case …
  • … in Carson v. Makin helped protect religious freedom in education for multiple ADF clients. Written by David A. … What was Carson v. Makin about? In Maine, 143 of its 260 school districts did not operate public high schools. In … it to send their children to a private religious school. Despite these rulings, the State of Maine argued (and the …
  • … had always been open and honest with them about her education, including about any concerns they had with her … wanted advice about someone she could see for counseling over the summer. After many of these meetings, the school … teachers begin referring to her by a new masculine name. Despite the trust the Meads had placed in the school
  • … be if you found out your child had learned in her middle school English class that she would never succeed in life … Noriega, and their belief in the importance of freedom was shaped by seeing the regime’s violence and brutality. … later immigrated to the United States to pursue their education. Both studied dentistry at the University of North …
  • … short exchange with Jonathan, declared that the speech was over and dismissed the class. Jonathan made his way to the … to put a stop to the instructor’s behavior.  Finally after years of litigation, the court entered judgment in favor of … marriage … Prop 8 … Jonathan Lopez … free speech … education … Case:Lopez v. Candaele … California … academic …
  • … discussions and private conversations with other students, school officials stepped in. The University told her to stop … program.  The university ordered Jennifer to undergo a re-education program, where she would attend diversity and … Parade in Augusta.” The university expressed suspicion over “Jen’s ability to be a multiculturally competent …
  • … Texas School District Challenges Biden Admin’s Harmful Title IX … unilaterally and unconstitutionally reinterprets an education law in a way that prevents them from upholding that … new rule. The school district receives federal funding, which it relies upon to provide a quality education