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Showing 672 results for "discriminatory zoning laws stand way 150 new jobs ohio city"
  • Planned Parenthood is challenging Arizona’s pre-Roe v. Wade law protecting unborn lives.
  • … of her 8th grade class at Taconic Hills Middle School in New York. One of the privileges of being president is the … of her 8th grade class at Taconic Hills Middle School in New York. One of the privileges of being president is the … for the 2nd Circuit … students … public school … prayer … New York … graduation … free speech … education … censorship …
  • … has owned a one-mile strip of beach-front property in New Jersey.  This idyllic seaside setting includes a … a woman.  The two women then filed a complaint with the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights.  After conducting an … Freedom appealed that decision to the Director of the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights.  He upheld the original …
  • Oregon State University excludes an independent student newspaper from most of campus.
  • Yuba College restricts student speech to two hours a week in a small speech zone.
  • Discriminatory Law Censored Pastor In the Reed v. Town of … ADF attorneys amended their complaint and challenged the new sign code. February 2013 : After the district court … to speak freely about religion without being targeted for discriminatory speech restrictions. … … 7616 … 7631 … 7617 … …
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys work to hold Planned Parenthood accountable to the taxpayers.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent Louisiana State University student restricted from student restricted from distributing pro-life material beyond a 1,000 square-foot area on campus
  • … Court David v. Funti Details Documents Profiles Summary A New York bishop is challenging a trial court's … advocacy with Alliance Defending Freedom. View Profile … A New York bishop is challenging a trial court's … … religious freedom … churches and pastors … marriage … New York … David v. Funti …
  • … of a busy street. For six years, Eleanor had nowhere to stand but in the street, or on the opposite side of the … unconstitutional. The law she challenged is similar to laws in other states, where government officials have made … victory, many of those states are also changing their laws and letting sidewalk counselors speak freely again. …