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Showing 683 results for "watch why hhs secretary xavier becerra threatens rights every american"
  • … State Supreme Court Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission v. Hands On Originals Details Videos … CAMPBELL: Kentucky Decision On Christian Print Shop Shows Why Supreme Co… Jim Campbell November 18, 2019 Time for the … Supreme Court Amicus brief - Kentucky Supreme Court -The American Center For Law & Justice 2/12/2018 State Supreme …
  • A New Hampshire court has ordered the state to release numerous documents related to the state’s funding of abortion facilities and its continuing failure to regulate them.
  • … More Documents Additional Resources One Page Summary Watch:  Oral Arguments at the 9th Circuit Case Profiles Image … Anderson Senior Counsel, Director of Center for Parental Rights Kate Anderson serves as senior counsel with Alliance … where she is the director of the Center for Parental Rights. View Profile Image Bryan Neihart Senior Counsel Bryan …
  • SUNY officials assist antagonist mob in disrupting event, silencing conservative guest speaker
  • … June 30, 2020 The Berkeley Riot Expresses Dominant Anti-American Campus Culture Casey Mattox February 06, 2017 More …
  • … and was forced on to the state exchange. Under Obamacare, every health insurance exchange plan in Vermont requires … and was forced on to the state exchange. Under Obamacare, every health insurance exchange plan in Vermont requires … Howe v. Burwell … sanctity of life … Affordable Care Act … HHS Mandate … conscience … Case:Howe v. Burwell … abortion …
  • University of Minnesota sued for banishing conservative event to inadequate venue
  • … and was forced on to the state exchange. Under Obamacare, every health insurance exchange plan in Rhode Island required … Team working to defend pro-life speech and protect medical rights of conscience. View Profile … In January 2015, … 7653 … 7617 … 7633 … 7657 … Doe v. Burwell … conscience … HHS Mandate … abortion pill mandate … Case:Doe v. Burwell … …
  • … and the Mays and enjoined the enforcement of the HHS abortion pill mandate against their business.  While the … Freedom will be on the front lines to advocate for every Christian business owner who simply wants the freedom … Team working to defend pro-life speech and protect medical rights of conscience. View Profile Image Matt Bowman Senior …
  • Texas and multiple other states filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration’s directive to public schools.