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Showing 584 results for "endthelies top 3 lies about pregnancy centers"
  • ADF attorneys file suit against city of Monroe for discriminatory zoning practices
  • … a microphone. However, after a business owner complained about Morrell, police arrested him and took him to jail … a microphone. However, after a business owner complained about Morrell, police arrested him and took him to jail …
  • Alliance Defending Freedom representing West Virginia woman against abortionist who acted against her will, left part of baby in womb
  • … a non-profit organization dedicated to educating people about social issues from a Christian perspective, posted an … Colored People,” was posted, the NAACP received complaints about its position on abortion and sent a cease-and-desist … a non-profit organization dedicated to educating people about social issues from a Christian perspective, posted an …
  • … Court DOJ response to motion for permanent injunction 5/3/2018 Trial Court Motion for permanent injunction 4/19/2018 …
  • ADF attorneys represent The New Macedonia Baptist Church
  • ADF lawsuit prompts changes to rules that illegally discriminated against Students for Life
  • … What Is Assisted Suicide, and Why Should You Care About It? Laws that legalize assisted suicide facilitate a … care professionals to provide, upon request, information about assisted suicide to patients and to refer and transfer … to facilitate their patients’ deaths by informing them about the “option” of assisted suicide even if they declined …
  • … for foster children without hiding their religious beliefs about family, marriage, and sex. The state’s child welfare … their license after repeatedly interrogating the family about their religious beliefs about human sexuality. Case … Opinion of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit 3/1/2022 Case Profiles Image Johannes Widmalm-Delphonse …
  • … Professors Learn Hard Lesson About Censoring Students Maggie DeJong was silenced with … up for her First Amendment freedoms. Read on to learn more about her case. Maggie DeJong was targeted for her beliefs by … … 7631 … 7799 … 7632 … 7625 … Professors Learn Hard Lesson About Censoring Students … 18784 … free speech … academic …