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Showing 632 results for "four recent free speech prolife victories celebrate"
  • … to other public universities that restrict pro-life speech on campuses," said Alliance Defending Freedom attorney … on an equal basis with other groups The freedom of speech on public universities for pro-life groups The freedom … … pro-life advocates … pro-life … monuments and displays … free speech … equal access … education … Case:Pro-Life …
  • … Active U.S. Courts of Appeals Speech First v. McCall Details Documents Profiles Summary … Policy that unconstitutionally restricts protected speech of students. The policy is being challenged in court … cultural topics. … 7631 … 7632 … Speech First v. McCall … free speech … colleges and universities … speech codes … …
  • … Won U.S. Courts of Appeals Speech First v. Shrum Details Documents Profiles Summary … vague and overly broad policies that censor students’ speech based on their viewpoints. Speech First filed suit on … Shrum … Oklahoma … Oklahoma State University … students … free speech … freedom of association … Speech First v. Shrum …
  • … Courts A.Q. v. Board of Education of Lindenhurst Union Free School District Details Documents Profiles Summary Lindenhurst Union Free School District officials repeatedly denied recognition … Defending Freedom. View Profile … Lindenhurst Union Free School District officials repeatedly denied recognition …
  • … of the Center for Life Team working to defend pro-life speech and protect medical rights of conscience. View Profile … Park … Constitution of the United States … public square … free speech … First Amendment … Case:Victory Through Jesus Sports …
  • … Club v. Board of Education of the Hicksville Union Free School District Details Documents Profiles Summary … Defense Fund attorneys filed suit after Hicksville Union Free School District refused to recognized Christian club. … Club v. Board of Education of the Hicksville Union Free School District 12/16/2011 Trial Court Complaint: …
  • … the school to question this censorship of their daughter's speech, they were told that the "school has a right to censor students without violating their free speech." Represented by Alliance Defending Freedom, A.Z. … and pro-life materials to their classmates. Building upon victories like this, Alliance Defending Freedom continues to …
  • … other groups. The government may not exclude religious speech from a public forum based on its content or viewpoint. … other groups. The government may not exclude religious speech from a public forum based on its content or viewpoint. …
  • … on Angela’s behalf for violating their rights. After a four-year legal battle, Angela won a decisive legal victory. … and agreed to train officers about First Amendment and free-speech issues. Angela stood in front of the Bel Air station …
  • … filed a lawsuit challenging the censorship of her pro-life speech. The United States District Court for the District of … armband and distribute pro-life flyers. Building upon victories like this, Alliance Defending Freedom continues to … life … pro-life advocates … pro-life … New Jersey … k-12 … free speechfree expression … equal access … education … …