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Showing 637 results for "jb van hollenpro life wisconsin"
  • … Won State Supreme Court New Hampshire Right to Life v. New Hampshire Director of Charitable Trusts Details … Court N.H. Supreme Court opinion: New Hampshire Right to Life v. New Hampshire Director of Charitable Trusts 6/2/2016 … filed with N.H. Supreme Court: New Hampshire Right to Life v. New Hampshire Director of Charitable Trusts …
  • … Won U.S. District Courts Students for Life at Miami University of Ohio, Hamilton v. Trustees of … students to post signs “warning” others about Students for Life’s pro-life display. Commentary Censorship: The Silent Indoctrinator …
  • … Supreme Court Appling v. Walker Details Documents Summary Wisconsin voters adopted an amendment to the state … similar to that of marriage.”  In direct violation of Wisconsin’s marriage amendment, lawmakers enacted into law a … filed a legal challenge to the domestic partnership law in Wisconsin state court on behalf of Wisconsin taxpayers. A …
  • … the largest Catholic student group at the University of Wisconsin.  Like many student groups, it regularly receive … most effective Catholic student group at the University of Wisconsin, you need a lot of programs and events.  Badger … Badger Catholic in a lawsuit against the University of Wisconsin, and defended its right to equal access to …
  • … to the message expressed on a plate proposed by Choose Life of Missouri. In 2009, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled … to the message expressed on a plate proposed by Choose Life of Missouri. In 2009, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled … … 7631 … 7633 … Roach v. Stouffer … sanctity of life … Constitution of the United States … U.S. Court of …
  • … incident until one day in June 2005 when University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire (UW-Eau Claire) officials informed … Freedom, where he is a key member of the Center for Life Team working to defend pro-life speech and protect medical rights of conscience. View …
  • … Summary Anthony Petri, a senior at Tomah High School in Wisconsin, drew a picture for art class with a road, a cross, … Profile … Anthony Petri, a senior at Tomah High School in Wisconsin, drew a picture for art class with a road, a cross, … 7626 … 7628 … A.P. v. Tomah Area School District  … k-12 … Wisconsin … Tomah Area School District … students … public …
  • … photographer Amy Lawson owned her own studio in Madison, Wisconsin. Amy’s Christian faith has always undergirded her … Studio v. City of Madison … Wisconsin … sanctity of life … same-sex marriage … religious freedom … pro-life … pre-enforcement challenge … marriage … Madison … free …
  • Alliance Defending Freedom helps San Francisco State University students punished for being "uncivil" take down a 23 campus speech code
  • … counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom’s Center for Life, where he brings over a decade of civil rights …