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Showing 554 results for "top legal issues concern churches issue 2 property taxes"
  • … identity disorder, etc. Many such mental health issues often predate any distress about their sex. Nevertheless, even patients with severe mental health issues are frequently pushed toward “transition.” One nurse … gender over time. WPATH is a discredited organization The issues listed above barely begin to cover the extent of the …
  • … Bronx Church’s 20-Year Legal Battle Led to Freedom for New Yorkers of All Faiths After 20 years of legal proceedings, Bronx Household of Faith and other NYC churches finally have equal access to rent school facilities …
  • … soldiers Whether the display of religious icons on private property formally owned by the government violates the … with the coordination of the amici effort and assist the legal team’s preparation for argument at the Supreme Court. … with the coordination of the amici effort and assist the legal team’s preparation for argument at the Supreme Court. … …
  • … 7617 … 7616 … 7648 … David v. Funti … religious freedom … churches and pastors … marriage … New York … David v. Funti …
  • … from the program. Attorneys with ADF, the Christian Legal Society and the law firm of Rothgerber, Johnson & Lyons … from the program. Attorneys with ADF, the Christian Legal Society and the law firm of Rothgerber, Johnson & Lyons … … Colorado Christian University … Colorado … Christian Legal Society … Case:Colorado Christian University v. Weaver …
  • … after DeKalb County agreed to change a policy prohibiting churches from renting space. Case Documents Court Title Date … after DeKalb County agreed to change a policy prohibiting churches from renting space. … 7616 … 7620 … 7617 … Powell v. … … Joel Oster … public square … Georgia … equal access … churches and pastors … Case:Powell v. DeKalb County … Atlanta …
  • … religious organizations to express their views on public property Members of Gideons International being restricted … religious organizations to express their views on public property Members of Gideons International being restricted …
  • … Profiles Summary A Washington state law, SB 6219, forces churches to cover elective abortions in their health … 3/22/2024 Appellate Court Amicus Brief - Life Legal Defense Foundation 11/29/2023 Appellate Court Amicus … opening brief filed with 9th Circuit 9/2/2020 Trial Court Order denying motion for preliminary …
  • … Title Date Appellate Court 6th Circuit ruling on Ohio law 2/24/2016 Appellate Court 6th Circuit ruling in defamation …
  • The Supreme Court upheld a New York program allowing public school teachers to teach some secular classes to qualifying students enrolled at religious schools.