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Showing 590 results for "jb van hollenpro life wisconsin"
  • … Details Documents Profiles Summary In March 2008, 18 pro-life advocates – including several teenagers – were illegally … handcuffed by Maryland State Police during a peaceful pro-life demonstration on public property.  Among these was a … lawful to express messages promoting the sanctity of human life Our role in this case Alliance Defending Freedom took …
  • … drug manufacturer is challenging West Virginia’s pro-life laws that protect unborn lives and maternal health and … - Judicial Watch 4/15/2024 Appellate Court Amicus Brief - Life Legal Defense Foundation 4/15/2024 Appellate Court … drug manufacturer is challenging West Virginia’s pro-life laws that protect unborn lives and maternal health and …
  • … Abortionists are challenging three of North Carolina’s pro-life laws, including the state’s provision that protects … Abortionists are challenging three of North Carolina’s pro-life laws, including the state’s provision that protects … South Atlantic v. Stein … abortion … sanctity of life … North Carolina … Planned Parenthood … Planned …
  • … Title Date Appellate Court Brief of Tammy Fournier, a Wisconsin mother, as amicus curiae in support of …
  • … 7761 … 7633 … 7722 … Kligler v. Attorney General … end of life … sanctity of life … healthcare professionals … physician assisted suicide …
  • … Planned Parenthood is challenging South Carolina’s pro-life law that protects unborn children from the moment a … … Planned Parenthood is challenging South Carolina’s pro-life law that protects unborn children from the moment a … v. State of South Carolina (II) … abortion … sanctity of life … South Carolina … Planned Parenthood … Planned …
  • … after he posted on social media expressing his pro-life views. Melton is challenging the city for censoring his … Institute, The Radiance Foundation, and Speak for Life as amici curiae in support of appellant for reversal … after he posted on social media expressing his pro-life views. Melton is challenging the city for censoring his …
  • … Religious Schools Free to Protect Life The so-called ‘birth control mandate’ established under … … 7720 … 7617 … 7633 … Religious Schools Free to Protect Life … 19223 … abortion … abortion drugs … HHS Mandate … … Specialties … religious freedom … conscience … sanctity of life … Religious Schools Free to Protect Life
  • … amici curiae New Mexico Family Action Movement, Right to Life Committee of New Mexico, and New Mexico Alliance for Life supporting respondents 2/14/2023 State Supreme Court … Commissioners for Lea County … abortion … sanctity of life … New Mexico … New Mexico Supreme Court … State of New …
  • … … healthcare professionals … conscience … sanctity of life … Anderson v. Aitkin Pharmacy …