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Showing 712 results for "tbt 3 universities now open speech"
  • ADF attorneys ask the court to stop New York from using a “nondiscrimination” law to force this Christian adoption ministry to violate its beliefs.
  • Faith-based adoption provider New Hope Family Services places children in homes with a married mother and father. New York State targeted them for that.
  • … university informed her that she could only do so in “Free Speech Alley,” which is approximately 1,000 square feet of … Court Title Date Resource Clarified LSU speech policy 7/3/2013 Trial Court Complaint 10/31/2012 Case Profiles Image … … 7617 … 7631 … 7628 … Candler v. Jenkins … colleges and universities … students … speech zones … sanctity of life … …
  • … distributing fliers outside one of the school’s eight “speech zones,” which together were limited to less than one … distributing fliers outside one of the school’s eight “speech zones,” which together were limited to less than one … pro-life advocates … Boise State University … colleges and universities … sanctity of life … religious freedom … …
  • … dollars to hold an academic debate on abortion.  Public universities are known as marketplaces of ideas, where … fee policy and reimburse the group for the $600 bill.  Now students at the University of Buffalo don’t need to fear … dollars to hold an academic debate on abortion.  Public universities are known as marketplaces of ideas, where …
  • … banned Mr. Rodney Keister from engaging in religious speech on a sidewalk that ran along public streets and also … Officials told Mr. Keister he could not engage in that speech without providing a 10-day notice and obtaining a … 7664 … 7635 … Keister v. Bell … free speech … colleges and universities … Supreme Court of the United States … public …
  • … forced the organization to place its display in a small "speech zone" on campus, among other restrictions. Case … of the Center for Life Team working to defend pro-life speech and protect medical rights of conscience. View Profile … of America … University of South Alabama … colleges and universitiesspeech zones … pro-life advocates … pro-life … …
  • ADF attorneys filed appeal on behalf of taxpayers to stop state officials from recognizing foreign same-sex "marriages"
  • … warned that “engaging in First Amendment protected speech activities” may be punished as “harassment.” Case … Title Date Trial Court Settlement agreement: Dunn v. Leath 3/24/2017 Trial Court Complaint: Dunn v. Leath 10/17/2016 … … Iowa State University … Iowa … free speech … colleges and universities … education … Dunn v. Leath …
  • … policy that requires a permit for any kind of student speech or communication anywhere on campus. Commentary The … policy that requires a permit for any kind of student speech or communication anywhere on campus. … 7632 … 7627 … … … 7628 … Grace Christian Life v. Woodson … colleges and universities … student speech … North Carolina State …