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  • Ninth Circuit rules in favor of California church forced to pay for abortions
  • ADF attorneys represent Students for Life at Cal State–San Marcos
  • Alliance Defending Freedom continues to defend California’s definition of marriage after the Supreme Court’s decision.
  • Activists sue to overturn California’s definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman.
  • Los Angeles Unified School District changes its policies to allow for religious expression by elementary students in talent shows and other school events
  • Los Angeles City College professor tells Christian student to "Ask God What Your Grade Is"
  • School district responds to ADF lawsuit, cancels entire memorial brick paver program to make sure a few Bible verses aren’t used
  • Yuba College restricts student speech to two hours a week in a small speech zone.
  • Christian man represented by ADF attorneys able to share faith in public plaza while lawsuit moves forward
  • ADF attorneys file suit against San Jose/Evergreen Community College District