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Showing 236 results for "pro life movements unlikely heroes"
  • … Religious Schools Free to Protect Life The so-called ‘birth control mandate’ established under … … 7720 … 7617 … 7633 … Religious Schools Free to Protect Life … 19223 … abortion … abortion drugs … HHS Mandate … … Specialties … religious freedom … conscience … sanctity of life … Religious Schools Free to Protect Life
  • … Arizona Supreme Court Upholds Law Protecting Unborn Life When it comes to defending life in Arizona, ADF is doing … representatives. That allowed Arizona to again enforce its pro-life law protecting unborn children from the moment of … override the will of voters by seeking to strike down the pro-life law. The case progressed all the way to the Arizona …
  • … Why EMTALA and Idaho’s Law Both Protect Life Both Idaho’s Defense of Life Act and EMTALA seek to protect every life—including the … Both Protect Life … 21397 … abortion … sanctity of lifepro-life … Idaho … Supreme Court of the United States … Why …
  • … In IVF Case, Alabama Supreme Court Protects Life from Conception In a victory for life, the court held that unborn children created through in … from conception Cases like this one demonstrate that being pro-life entails more than just protecting unborn children …
  • … Federal Court Should Clarify That March for Life Can’t Be Forced to Pay for Abortions The March for Life … its demonstration each January. Hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers gather in Washington, D.C., to march from the U.S. … decision until Roe is overturned. Hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers attend each year. March for Life is a pro-life
  • … How ADF Helped Iowa Protect Unborn Life After Dobbs Abortion providers repeatedly sued Iowa over the state’s pro-life laws. But that didn’t deter Gov. Kim Reynolds from … was elected attorney general, giving Iowa another strong pro-life advocate in the state government. The next summer, …
  • … Censorship and Lies: Vermont Targets Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers A new Vermont law would censor pro-life pregnancy centers and their workers. ADF is …
  • … protect religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, marriage and family, and parental rights. Our team … assisted the Mississippi legal team in the defense of its pro-life law, all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and …
  • … What Are They and How Do They Affect You? Radical pro-abortion activists are attempting to enshrine a so-called … voting directly on issues that affect religious freedom, life, free speech, and the family. While ADF monitors these … Dobbs decision, there were an unprecedented number of new pro-life laws enacted, resulting in the strongest protections …
  • … Health Organization that empowered states to protect life, abortion providers have been advocating for these drugs … and Timothy Moore? Phil Berger serves as the president pro tempore of the North Carolina Senate, and Timothy Moore … in the case on behalf of North Carolina Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger and House Speaker Timothy Moore. …