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Showing 271 results for "great news 9th circuit rules favor nevada churches"
  • … attorneys appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. ADF attorneys also filed an emergency application … level, and in December 2020, the 9th Circuit ruled in favor of the church, striking down Nevada’s unconstitutional …
  • … Washington State Treated Churches Worse Than Breweries and Cannabis Retailers … was dismissed. Outcome As the Supreme Court  and the Ninth Circuit  have ruled, the government cannot single out … Church of Mt. Spokane and Westgate Chapel. It’s good news for all Washingtonians.” While we support government …
  • … Victory! Supreme Court Rules for College Student Silenced from Sharing the Gospel … Chike Uzuegbunam is passionate about sharing the Good News with those around him. Who is Chike Uzuegbunam? Chike … ADF appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit . July 2019 : The Eleventh Circuit affirmed the …
  • … culminated in June 2023 when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of web designer and graphic artist Lorie Smith and her … an engagement session to make sure they have some great photos and are comfortable in front of the camera … the second ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit. ADF attorneys asked that court to protect Chelsey’s …
  • … Trinity Lutheran Wins! Supreme Court Rules Missouri Engaged in Religious Discrimination Trinity … : ADF appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit. Opening briefs were filed that April. May 2015 : The … the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in Trinity Lutheran Church’s favor. In the majority opinion, Chief Justice Roberts wrote, …
  • … different viewpoint. That’s part of what makes him a great professor. In his class, students are exposed to new … case before the United States Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit. March 2021 : The 6th Circuit ruled in the … and ADF Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer appear on Fox News. … … 7617 … 7632 … 7628 … 7919 … 7631 … Court Rules
  • … Protects Free Speech in Landmark Ruling The Court ruled in favor of free speech in Lorie Smith’s landmark case, 303 … then appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, which issued another disappointing decision. In an unprecedented ruling, the circuit court held that the state can compel Lorie to express …
  • … April, the church asked  the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit to reverse that decision. November 2019 : Alliance … of the 9th Circuit. May 2020 :  The 9th Circuit ruled in favor of Skyline Wesleyan Church . The court held that the …
  • … legal proceedings, Bronx Household of Faith and other NYC churches finally have equal access to rent school facilities … founded it in 1971 with the goal of bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to their surrounding community. ADF … the spring of 2014, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit overturned the district court’s ruling that had stood …
  • … April 12, 2023 : The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit kept in place a portion of a federal district court’s … unanimous panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit ruled that the FDA must restore the safety standards … and Danco Laboratories asked it to review the 5th Circuit’s ruling. March 2024 : ADF attorney Erin Hawley …