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Showing 235 results for "college club told get different purpose become registered student organization"
  • … Victory! Supreme Court Rules for College Student Silenced from Sharing the Gospel Chike … police approached him. The officers took his ID card and told him to stop speaking because someone had complained. … Constitution. But then it argued that its officials should get a free pass for how they treated Chike. Because of the …
  • … I Was Told Abortion Drugs Wouldn’t Hurt Me. It Was a Lie. Women … the worst possible thing that could happen in his life. He told me to make an appointment at the local abortion … supposed to take at home, and an antibiotic. “In case you get an infection. But don’t worry, that almost never happens. …
  • College Student Prevails After Refusing Assignment to Support … beliefs. She asked to write and sign a letter on a different issue to complete the assignment. The professor … to advocate for same-sex adoption. The faculty and staff told Emily she must write a paper explaining the difference …
  • … What the FDA Hasn’t Told You About Mifepristone The FDA has endangered women and … suggested the number could be even higher. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has … View Profile … … 7653 … 7633 … What the FDA Hasn’t Told You About Mifepristone … 20270 … U.S. Food and Drug …
  • … a custom cake that would celebrate a same-sex wedding, he told the couple he’d be happy to sell them any item in his … professor of biblical and religious studies at Grove City College, calls this expressive individualism, a term first …
  • … Looking Back: New Mexico Photographer Told Violating Her Conscience Is ‘The Price of Citizenship’ In 2014, a New Mexico photographer was told that violating her conscience was ‘the price of … 7975 … 7631 … 7664 … Looking Back: New Mexico Photographer Told Violating Her Conscience Is ‘The Price of Citizenship’ … …
  • … High School Shuts Down Pro-life Club for Being Too ‘Political’ Noblesville High School … and “I Am the Pro-Life Generation.” But school officials told her she could not post the flyer. No written policy … After E.D. again met with an administrator to try to get her flyer approved, the principal derecognized the group. …
  • …   What is academic freedom? If you visit any public college or university across the country, you quickly find … they passed. College officials soon approached Chike and told him he could not hand out any materials or speak about … Tasy, the president of the Fresno State Students for Life club, got permission from the university for the group to …
  • … Activists Sue Idaho for Recognizing Boys and Girls Are Different Idaho passed SB 1100 to protect the privacy of K-12 … is a written request, and the school must provide the student with a reasonable single-occupancy space. Why have … … Activists Sue Idaho for Recognizing Boys and Girls Are Different … 21132 … Idaho … gender … public school … k-12 … …
  • … Why They Tried to Cancel This Student for a Catholic Message Jack Denton was a Catholic … to express his religious beliefs. Unfortunately, many college campuses have become places where freedom of speech  is not protected and …