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Showing 279 results for "i was part 303 creatives case i back gay marriage scotus right"
  • … Responding to a Media Smear in 303 Creative When ADF and our clients are slandered, we will … is a feature of free speech, not a bug. In fact, that’s part of the reason ADF exists. Our mission is to defend … Defending Freedom (@alliancedefendingfreedom)   What was the claim? The day before the Supreme Court issued its …
  • … Kristen Waggoner on 303 Creative v. Elenis Read Kristen Waggoner’s remarks from … American Culture on Appeal event on the Supreme Court case 303 Creative v. Elenis. Written by Kristen Waggoner … ADF’s American Culture on Appeal Event on Oct. 25, 2022. I think that however you define marriage, my hope is that …
  • … Wedding Photographer’s Case Moves Forward After SCOTUS Ruling Photographer and … and graphic artist Lorie Smith and her design studio. In 303 Creative v. Elenis , the Supreme Court reaffirmed the … Chelsey cares deeply about her clients When Chelsey Nelson was seven years old, a tornado damaged her family’s home. …
  • … Censored Christian Counselor Asks SCOTUS to Hear His Case ADF is asking the Supreme Court to hear the case of Brian Tingley, a licensed marriage and family counselor who was censored by a Washington state law. Written by Cody …
  • … Virginia passed a law to protect women’s sports—and it was one of the most comprehensive women’s sports laws in the … About a year later, the 4th Circuit ruled to reverse part of the district court’s decision, hindering West … first place in the women’s mile at the 2020 NCAA Division I Big Sky Conference Championships, knocking one of their …
  • … filed a lawsuit challenging the Massachusetts law, and her case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, where the … stand on the sidewalk outside the abortion facility. “I am called a sidewalk counselor. I like to offer hope, help, … until then, life had seemed rich and full enough, “but I was getting a little restless,” Eleanor recalls. Feeling …
  • … Human Rights: Belgium Violated Right to Life in Euthanasia Case The European Court of Human Rights ruled in favor of Tom Mortier after his mother was euthanized without his knowledge. Written by Alliance … sweeping legal pronouncements on sensitive moral issues—part of its delicate transnational role. In this instance it …
  • SCOTUS Weighs in on Whether Maine Can Discriminate Against … heard in December, presents similar legal issues to ADF’s case A.H. v. French. Written by Paul Schmitt Published April … send their children to private schools deemed “sectarian” (i.e., religious) while the state allows them to be sent to …
  • … Pediatricians Appeal Case to Protect Conscience Rights The Biden administration’s … First Amendment. A federal district court dismissed the case in January 2023, but ADF appealed to the U.S. Court of … when they involve children and adolescents. Case timeline May 2016 : The Obama/Biden administration …
  • … closed. Thankfully, ADF’s 2023 Supreme Court victory in 303 Creative v. Elenis affirmed free-speech protections for … court issued  a motion-to-dismiss decision allowing part of the Knapps’ pre-enforcement lawsuit to proceed. May … against the Hitching Post, the rest of the lawsuit was dismissed. … … 7617 … 7649 … 7657 … City Backs Down After …