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Showing 244 results for "fda fails protect unborn life mothers"
  • … The FDA Fails Its Own Drug Test The FDA has used unreliable data and … the chemical abortion to ensure she does not have any life-threatening conditions and serious complications. The … drugs, the safety standards were considered necessary to protect women’s health. Yet the FDA has since weakened or …
  • … Arizona Supreme Court Upholds Law Protecting Unborn Life When it comes to defending life in Arizona, ADF is doing … their elective representatives, Arizonans have chosen to protect life for decades. In 2022, then-Attorney General Mark …
  • … How ADF Helped Iowa Protect Unborn Life After Dobbs Abortion providers repeatedly sued Iowa over …
  • … Why EMTALA and Idaho’s Law Both Protect Life Both Idaho’s Defense of Life Act and EMTALA seek to protect every life—including the lives of unborn children. Written by Lincoln Wilson Published April …
  • … Religious Schools Free to Protect Life The so-called ‘birth control mandate’ established under … … 7657 … 7720 … 7617 … 7633 … Religious Schools Free to Protect Life … 19223 … abortion … abortion drugs … HHS …
  • … Every Unborn Child Has a Family Being pro-woman and pro-man is an … piece of being successfully (and more compassionately) pro-life. Written by Kathryn Homoki Published February 27, 2024 … talking to. Sometimes it even sounds like women and their unborn children are pitted against each other, with one side …
  • … What the FDA Hasn’t Told You About Mifepristone The FDA has endangered … Here’s how the drugs work: first, mifepristone kills the unborn child by cutting off the supply of necessary hormones … loss that has required blood transfusions. The FDA must protect women and girls For 16 years, the FDA maintained …
  • … In IVF Case, Alabama Supreme Court Protects Life from Conception In a victory for life, the court held that unborn children created through in vitro fertilization are … embryos. Some of the embryos were implanted in their mothers’ uteruses and resulted in the births of healthy …
  • FDA Avoids Accountability After Supreme Court Ruling The … protecting the vulnerable at the beginning and end of life, seeking the ultimate good for the patient with … case, the government argued that federal law would not protect our doctors from being forced to participate in …
  • … a lawsuit against the district on Jennifer’s behalf to protect her rights and ensure that other families are not …