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Showing 146 results for "california corrupts science scripture pursuit abortion sanctuary status"
  • California Can’t Mandate Abortion Advertising In NIFLA v. Becerra, the Supreme Court … violates the very mission of these centers. But in 2015, California passed a law attempting to force pregnancy centers …
  • California Courts: Churches Can’t Be Forced to Fund Abortion Skyline Wesleyan Church took a stand after a California agency required elective abortion coverage to be …
  • … Gender Dysphoria Expert Discusses the Science Regarding Gender Identity Dr. Stephen B. Levine is an … of treatments dictated by gender ideology rather than science. We summarize his five key arguments below, but you … 7658 … 7648 … 7642 … Gender Dysphoria Expert Discusses the Science Regarding Gender Identity … 18903 … gender … gender …
  • California Pays Nearly $200K for Using COVID to Censor Pro-Life Group California unlawfully discriminated against certain speech … women facing unplanned pregnancies or grieving due to abortion. It offers emotional and material support, …
  • California Bureaucrats Relent After Targeting Christian … so in a way that harms children in need. In the state of California, that’s exactly what both federal and state … is a non-denominational Christian church in El Cajon, California. The church describes itself as “Spirit Filled, …
  • California Library Changes Free Speech Policy After ADF Lawsuit The Yolo County Library in California had shut down an event because the presenters … Before the event, a librarian told the organizers that California state law recognizes “transgender” as “protected” …
  • … Would You Trust California with Handling Private Donor Information?  Get the … to which they give. But some officials in the state of California wanted to make donor privacy a thing of the past. … . Read more about this important case below. In 2012, California officials told Thomas More Law Center that it had …
  • California Thinks It Can Raise Your Kids Better Than You Can … piece is an adaptation of a public letter, regarding California Senate Bill 107, that was submitted to the California Assembly Committee on Appropriations by Alliance …
  • … Doctors Win After ADF Sues Over Assisted Suicide in California A Christian physician and the Christian Medical & Dental Associations sued the state of California. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom Published … and hundreds of patients have died by PAS in recent years. California is one of those states. And—as if California’s …
  • … No, Treatment for an Ectopic Pregnancy Is Not an Abortion Ectopic pregnancy is both a tragedy and an … more than 60 million innocent babies lost their lives to abortion. So when the U.S. Supreme Court finally reversed … to live thanks to the Court’s decision. But radical pro-abortion activists, including abortion businesses like …