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Showing 277 results for "brownsburg teacher lost his job due scotus flawed interpretation title vii"
  • … This Pediatric Nurse Lost Her Job Because She Would Not Refer for Abortion For pediatric … children, not to take their lives. Because of this, Sandra lost her job. Read more about her story below. Sandra Rojas, …
  • … Censored Christian Counselor Asks SCOTUS to Hear His Case ADF is asking the Supreme Court to … attempts to justify Washington’s law using its own flawed precedent, the fact is that the law censors Brian’s …
  • … Music Teacher Forced Out for His Religious Beliefs John Kluge was forced to resign from … music teacher John Kluge served as an orchestra teacher at Brownsburg High School in Indiana from 2014 to 2018. He …
  • SCOTUS Now Has a Chance to Protect Women’s Sports The Supreme … found the law to be constitutional and consistent with Title IX, and it made the correct decision to protect female … Alliance Defending Freedom. View Profile … … 8722 … 7658 … SCOTUS Now Has a Chance to Protect Women’s Sports … 20260 … …
  • … The Pro-Life Advocate Who Won 9-0 at SCOTUS The Supreme Court unanimously struck down a … 7786 … 7633 … 7664 … The Pro-Life Advocate Who Won 9-0 at SCOTUS … 20427 … Eleanor McCullen … Massachusetts … … Planned Parenthood … The Pro-Life Advocate Who Won 9-0 at SCOTUS
  • … Redefining ‘Sex’ Threatens Title IX When biological differences between men and women … back protections for women and girls in federal law. On his very first day in office, President Joe Biden issued an … athletes like Selina Soule and Chelsea Mitchell who have lost to male athletes in women’s sporting events. In West …
  • … Wedding Photographer’s Case Moves Forward After SCOTUS Ruling Photographer and blogger Chelsey Nelson … … 7617 … Wedding Photographer’s Case Moves Forward After SCOTUS Ruling … 16450 … First Amendment … same-sex marriage … … Nelson … Wedding Photographer's Case Moves Forward After SCOTUS Ruling …
  • SCOTUS Weighs in on Whether Maine Can Discriminate Against … access to their benefits. … … 7641 … 7626 … 7617 … 7664 … SCOTUS Weighs in on Whether Maine Can Discriminate Against … freedom … Supreme Court of the United States … education … SCOTUS Weighs in on Whether Maine Can Discriminate Against …
  • … Colorado Came After Jack Phillips … Again – And Lost … Again Jack Phillips should not have to fear government punishment for living out his faith by deciding what he can and cannot express through … … 7617 … Colorado Came After Jack Phillips … Again – And Lost … Again … 18958 … religious freedom … Jack Phillips … …
  • … School Tells Christian Teacher to ‘Put Her Beliefs Aside’ Vivian Geraghty was forced … beliefs, but she was punished with the loss of her job. Who is Vivian Geraghty? Vivian Geraghty is a recent … 7628 … 7658 … 7627 … 7617 … 7712 … School Tells Christian Teacher to ‘Put Her Beliefs Aside’ … 19299 … Ohio … teachers …