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Dangerous Chemical Abortion Drugs on Trial


Alliance Defending Freedom’s lawsuit to hold the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) accountable for recklessly and unlawfully approving chemical abortion drugs has now reached the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Biden administration has appealed lower court decisions that have restored critical safeguards on chemical abortion drugs for women and girls, which were unlawfully removed by the FDA.

And we need you to help fuel our ongoing work!

Although the FDA and abortion activists claim the drugs are safe and effective, they are not. The danger to women is real. Research has shown that chemical abortion drugs have a complication rate four times that of first-trimester surgical abortions. And all abortions end the life of an innocent child.

That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom took on the FDA. But this case is likely far from over.

We must be ready to stand firm on behalf of women and girls as the case continues. We never charge our clients a dime to represent them in the courtroom. But we can only do that through the generosity of people like you.

Please give today and help us defend women and girls from the danger of chemical abortion drugs.

Right now—thanks to a limited-time matching grant—whatever you give will be doubled, up to $500,000. Don’t miss this opportunity to make twice the impact, while matching funds last.

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