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Make no mistake: New York’s new censorship law targets constitutionally protected speech on social media networks. But this attack on free speech is nothing new.

We’ve seen countless forms of censorship from government officials, social media platforms, and even financial institutions.

But now, satirical websites like The Babylon Bee must face humorless state officials depriving them of their First Amendment freedoms.

At ADF, we believe that all Americans are free to peacefully express their point of view, and that includes humor and sarcasm.

Further, we believe that our freedoms don’t hinge on whether the state agrees with what we have to say, or whether they appreciate our sense of humor.

We’re taking a stand to protect free speech in this and other cases nationwide.

Will you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help defend free speech? 

Please prayerfully consider joining us. This attack on free speech is the latest in a concerning trend of censorship from government officials. Will you step up to protect free discourse for all Americans?