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- Pittsburgh ordinance used to silence the speech of pro-life counsellors outside of abortion facilities is struck down.
- NYDOT agrees with ADF attorneys to let gospel trailer stay on owner's property
- Order follows U.S. Supreme Court’s denial of state’s appeal
- Taxpayers lack standing to bring an Establishment Clause challenge to a Presidential program that funds conferences to explain to community groups how to apply for federal grants to help poor people and others in need.
- 11th Circuit dismisses lawsuit because of changed policy, but university continues to defend its actions
- School board had denied Christian student club recognition, equal access to facilities open to other student groups
- ADF attorneys secure settlement for man arrested, jailed for exercising free speech rights on public sidewalk
- CLS student chapter free to enforce faith and conduct requirements for members and officers
- The Supreme Court held that ban on partial-birth abortion was constitutional—bringing this inhuman procedure to an end.