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- College bans public expression that doesn’t have dean’s permission, restricts speech to .001% of campus
- ADF represents Students for Life chapter at Fresno State
- Town sued for allowing private citizens to erect numerous historical monuments, including a Ten Commandments monument, on City Hall lawn..
- March for Life, the pro-life organization that holds its well-known annual march in Washington, D.C., is challenging the Obama administration's abortion-pill mandate.
- Doctor, multiple pregnancy care centers file federal suit over Illinois mandate to promote abortion
- Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner signed a bill into law that forces doctors and medical facilities to promote abortion regardless of their ethical or moral views on the practice.
- Madison & Wisconsin laws compel photographer to take photographs and write blog posts promoting same-sex marriage & pro-abortion groups and to publish those photographs and posts on the internet.
- Two students sue over policy that restricts required community service to non-religious activities
- ADF sues on behalf of scientist intentionally prevented from conducting research because of his beliefs
- Trinity Lutheran Pre-School was denied a grant that would provide a safe playground for children, simply because they're a church. ADF took up the case and won.