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Support Coach Fired for Sharing Beliefs About Gender

Coach David Bloch has given so much to the snowboarding program at Woodstock Union High School (WUHS) in Vermont.

As the founder of the program, he has invested countless hours in student athletes.

But none of that mattered when Coach Bloch respectfully shared his beliefs regarding gender with two athletes—and became the latest American punished for acknowledging biological reality.

When the WUHS women’s snowboarding team was scheduled to compete against a team that included a male, two student athletes were discussing the issue. Coach Bloch overheard the conversation and simply spoke to the student athletes about how he believes men and women have different genetic makeups, and that these differences give men an athletic advantage.

Unfortunately, that’s when Coach Bloch’s trouble began.

The very next day, Coach Bloch was given a notice of immediate termination—without warning and without thorough investigation or explanation. Coach Bloch was accused of violating the school’s policy against harassment because he “questioned the legitimacy and appropriateness of the student competing on the girls’ team.”

Plain and simple, Coach Bloch was fired for speaking his beliefs—a right protected by the First Amendment.

And if Coach Bloch can be punished for sharing his commonsense and widely held beliefs, you can, too.

In July 2023, Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit on Coach Bloch’s behalf to protect his right—and the right of every American—to speak the truth.

Will you give right now to help defend Coach Bloch and other Americans whose free speech is under fire?

Coach Bloch is like you and many other Americans. He believes that there are differences between men and women and that those differences affect athletic performance. But he was fired for expressing this common, true belief.

We must stand up against censorship and silencing. The freedom to express views that some find controversial is nonnegotiable in a free country.

Give today and stand up with us for your right to speak the truth.

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