The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Caleb Dalton regarding the University of Houston-Clear Lake’s decision to grant full recognition to Christian student organization Ratio Christi in Ratio Christi at the University of Houston–Clear Lake v. Khator, a lawsuit ADF filed Monday on behalf of Ratio Christi against the University of Houston-Clear Lake for discriminating against the group’s Christian beliefs by excluding Ratio Christi from Registered Student Organization status and the benefits that come with that recognition:
“Today, Ratio Christi received the good news they deserve—as a result of our lawsuit, the University of Houston-Clear Lake has now fully recognized the Christian student organization as a registered club on campus, granting them equal treatment among their peer groups. We commend the university and its general counsel for taking quick action to correct this injustice. Now, the university must do the next right thing and rescind the unconstitutional policies that are still in place that were used to exclude Ratio Christi because it requires its leaders to agree with its values and mission. It’s natural and expected that a Christian organization would require its leaders to be Christian; the university allows other organizations to have similar, commonsense leadership requirements. College should be a time when students learn firsthand how the Constitution protects their rights to express their opinion, as well as the opinions and views of those whom they disagree. University officials must act consistently with the law to ensure that all students are treated fairly and without discrimination based on their faith.”
The ADF Center for Academic Freedom is dedicated to ensuring freedom of speech and association for students and faculty so that everyone can freely participate in the marketplace of ideas without fear of government censorship.
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