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Showing 658 results for "detailspages biography details kellie fiedorek"
  • … Won U.S. District Courts First Baptist Church v. Kelly Details Commentary Documents Profiles Summary A provision of …
  • Kellie Fiedorek Senior Counsel, Government Affairs Director Kellie M. Fiedorek serves as senior counsel and government affairs …
  • Kellie M. Fiedorek serves as senior counsel and government affairs … is a member of the Strategic Affairs team. In this role, Fiedorek brings over a decade of experience working with the … Supreme Court and multiple federal appellate courts. … Kellie Fiedorek … Senior Counsel, Government Affairs Director …
  • Kelly Howard serves as legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where she is a member of the Center for Conscience Initiatives.
  • … Appellate Court Maday v. Township High School District 211 Details Documents Profiles Summary The American Civil … High School District 211 11/30/2017 Case Profiles Image Kellie Fiedorek Senior Counsel, Government Affairs Director Kellie
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Christiana Holcomb regarding Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto Thursday of the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, a bill that protects opportunities for women and girls in athletics by ensuring they are not forced to compete against males playing on women’s sports teams: “We are disappointed by Gov. Kelly’s decision to ignore the best interests of women and girls and veto the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act. This legislation would have helped ensure that female athletes in Kansas—from elementary school through college ...
  • … Lost U.S. District Courts Bloedorn v. Grube Details Documents Summary Benjamin Bloedorn, a Christian, and …
  • … atheists it will intrude on churches, America deserves details Atheist group says tax agency has agreed to new … atheists it will intrude on churches, America deserves details … Case:Alliance Defending Freedom v. Internal Revenue … atheists it will intrude on churches, America deserves details
  • … Psychologist Dr. James Cantor Details Harms of ‘Transitioning’ Kids Dr. James Cantor lays … medical procedures for minors. Dr. Cantor’s expert report details the scientific evidence surrounding treatments of … View Profile … … 7658 … Psychologist Dr. James Cantor Details Harms of ‘Transitioning’ Kids … 20521 … gender … …
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Zack Pruitt regarding Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly’s signing Thursday of HB 2109, a bill that protects the ability of individuals to privately support charities and other nonprofit organizations of their choice without unnecessary government interference: “Every American should be free to peacefully support causes they believe in without fear of harassment or intimidation. We commend Gov. Kelly and the Kansas Legislature for proactively protecting the confidential information of Kansas’ citizens, especially during a ...