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Showing 34 results for "jack phillips story3"
  • … Justice for Jack Colorado Supreme Court Justice for Jack After nearly 12 years in court, Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips is still being sued. Support Jack as ADF defends him …
  • … please go to . Accept Related Cases   Jack Phillips Jack Phillips    Learn More      Barronelle Stutzman …
  • … events and messages that are contrary to their faith. Jack Phillips Owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop God-fearing Man Cake … his art. Visit his website: Jack Phillips - Masterpiece Cakeshop Case Summary Jack
  • … Explainer Case Documents   April 25, 2024 Dr. David Phillips Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys have favorably … Press Release Explainer Case Documents   October 3, 2023 Jack Phillips The Colorado Supreme Court agreed to take the case of cake artist Jack Phillips and his business Masterpiece Cakeshop, the …
  • … messages that conflict with their core beliefs.   2019 Jack Wins Again The Colorado Civil Rights Commission dismisses its second case against cake artist Jack Phillips in the wake of an ADF lawsuit and newly discovered …
  • Free speech is for everyone. The First Amendment protects the right of all Americans to express their beliefs free from government coercion and censorship.
  • … their beliefs. We could expect to see more victims like Jack Phillips, Blaine Adamson, and Barronelle Stutzman. Children …
  • … never crossed his mind. On his orientation tour, though, Jack learned FSU, in Tallahassee, was one of only a handful … — a tradition dating back to the school’s origin in 1947. Jack began entertaining visions of himself cavorting in the … strenuously avoided. “Honestly, I didn’t want to do it,” Jack admits. “I had a fear of heights that I got over pretty …
  • … the PDF Featured Stories Why The Far Left Can’t Leave Jack Phillips Alone An aggressive woke ideology is determined to …
  • … Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission Jack Phillips is a cake artist and the owner of Masterpiece … most important events. In 2012, two men requested that Jack create a custom wedding cake celebrating their same-sex …